Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] to [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ in a public place called … ‘ 'Public place ’ includes any highway and any other premises or place to which at the material time the public have or are permitted to have access whether on payment or otherwise ( section 1(4) Prevention of Crime Act 1953 ) .
2 For further information on LCCI Retail awards please contact or write to her at the address below .
3 For further information on these awards contact or write to her at the address below .
4 For further details on this scheme including performance criteria , assessment requirements and how to register , please contact or write to him at the address below .
5 There 's something special about things that come to us over the centuries . ’
6 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
7 When parents relate to their children as if they were partners and look to them for the support and even sexual comfort that should come from other adults , the boundary surrounding and protecting childhood is broken .
8 Go and talk to somebody from the library . ’
9 Both Mr Megrahi and Mr Fhima told me they would be happy to meet Scottish or American investigators and talk to them about the case . ’
10 Greet the wise one , and talk to them of the fears that you wish to overcome .
11 For she would carry on with her chores and talk to them at the same time .
12 Please rave , review and write to me at the address below .
13 Notice is commonly given by a printed form obtainable from law stationers in duplicate ( the duplicate for receipting and return to you by the lessor 's solicitors as evidence that the covenant has been complied with ) .
14 Parents working at all levels in businesses can begin to establish empathy with the school work of their children and contribute to it in the workplace , or the school or at home .
15 He even had the amplitude to take a glass of port with Mr Joseph Robinson and talk as well as listen to him about the Battle of the Nile .
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