Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] that [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it would appear that the difference is that the latter sentence expresses my belief that I have the belief that it is raining , and says that I have the belief that it is raining , and does not express the belief that it is raining or say that it is raining .
2 Certainly , you should make it clear by words or conduct that you are exercising your right to treat yourself as having been dismissed .
3 Or suppose that I am eating escargots for the first time and can not bring myself to forget the disgustingly slimy look and feel of snails in the garden .
4 We may recognize their mannerisms in ourselves or find that we are talking to our children in just the tones that they talked to us .
5 Everyone will either sympathize with your terrible squint or think that you are offering some form of invitation .
6 Gilmore replied , ‘ I can not do much more than say that what was said was absolute nonsense . ’
7 Books of reference that state that he was born in 1885 in Devon are mistaken , as they are about some other features of his career .
8 These results are not too surprising given the research findings discussed in the previous chapter and suggest that what is inherited as vulnerability to psychosis forms a broad set of dispositions that include both temperamental and cognitive features .
9 Or I might suspect too much vehemence in his insistence that he loves gibbons , and suggest that he is deceiving himself , that visiting the animals has become a habit without much joy in it .
10 Well no No only if you turn round and say that we 're giving you board .
11 Whenever things went wrong she would blame us and say that we were causing Bernard difficulties . ’
12 Can anyone put their hand on their heart and say that they are looking forward to very old age ?
13 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
14 Yeah , if you do n't measure it the right way , and go all the way round there and say that he 's coming in on two hundred and twenty five degrees
15 You might have ageing parents who you support and god knows how much other outgoings which are hidden and then you have to go down that road and say that you 're going to look at at financial status you 're going to have to say and exactly what are all of your outgoings in and now down going to get real unpleasant intrusion into people 's business .
16 Arrange a number of children in a line behind you and say that you are going to play a game of ‘ follow the leader ’ .
17 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
18 And I mean we , we , we could actually encourage folk to come and work with us and , and , and say that there 's childminding avail
19 I 'd like to move a petition containing seven hundred and twelve signatures , residents of Broadstone who request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Broadstone Lane , bottom end of Shakespeare Drive and propose that it is passed on to the environment committee for consideration .
20 Could I appeal to running shoe manufacturers to open their eyes and realise that they are missing out on a valuable section of the market ?
21 Vaquero offers the city-bound reader a few minutes to escape to a time and place that we are losing ’ .
22 Pay good attention and show that you are listening by nodding and looking into the other person 's eyes , but not staring .
23 If you allow yourself to become fearful of certain chemicals and imagine that they are harming you , you will just be perpetuating the problems rather than solving them .
24 Breathe into the crystal , and imagine that you are expelling all those miserable thoughts .
25 Picture a beautiful scene — whatever kind of landscape pleases you the most — and imagine that you are walking through that place .
26 Close your eyes and imagine that you are centred within a sphere of white light which also permeates your body .
27 Obviously a married woman ca n't just get up from her chair at that time of the evening and announce that she 's going out .
28 Anita Dobson decided to come on our show and announce that she was leaving EastEnders .
29 do not fill hot water bottles with water that is too hot and ensure that they are covered
30 Keep track of software performance and status reports ( SPRs and SSRs ) , and ensure that they are distributed to all software users who need to see them .
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