Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [Wh adv] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I was wondering if you have , or know where I can get , an instruction book .
2 Study the photograph and suggest why they may want to stop this .
3 Study the advertisements now appearing and show how you would have done them .
4 Next we decide which of these reflect the most pressing problems and which become our aims for intervention ( I ) and consider how we may record them ( 4 ) .
5 In summary , I hope that the contents of this letter provide you with an overview of the services that KPMG is able to offer in connection with your ambitious plans and demonstrate how we would propose to undertake the assignment , capitalising on our relationship with [ Solicitors ] .
6 In return you must promise Council or that you will outline to the people of the Labour Party 's plans for the N H S , and state where you will get the funding from .
7 Tell a story set in the past and decide where you will stop to let the class take over .
8 where we were starting from and I think it would be valuable to do what we started doing and actually to look at this as the baseline and decide how we might amend it to keep common factors in that we can all use , because we need something that has a common denominator level
9 If we know what to do we can all look at our own houses and decide how we can alter them in not too expensive ways to make it a bit harder for the criminal .
10 You should make note of the going especially on the take-offs and landings of each fence and decide how it may change or deteriorate .
11 Perhaps the lesson for parents is to ignore the quarrel at the time ( if no harm is being caused ) but get both children together later on and discuss how they might have settled their differences .
12 Pupils can come to identify with the students — sometimes the age difference is not more than a few years — and ask how they can emulate them .
13 Guernsey , with its great night life , is an ideal base for a visit to the neighbouring islands of Sark and Herm where you can take a break from the trappings of modern life .
14 Try and think how you would feel if that happened to you .
15 ‘ It means , ’ replied the elder hedgehog , ‘ that you simply put yourself in the dog 's place , and think how you would like someone to behave towards you . ’
16 I changed the 24V system to 12V and wonder where I can get a 12V dial with water temperature , oil temperature and fuel level on it .
17 Back on the country roads there was more time to play with the switches , and wonder how we might stop the heated seats giving us sticky shirts ( no luck , though Swedish efficiency doubtless means that this was our fault ) .
18 As the carriage drove on through Blackmoor Vale , Tess now began to awake from her sorrow and wonder how she could face her parents .
19 The client might then be asked to close their eyes and visualise how they might respond differently , or to role play the new behaviour with the therapist .
20 I try and see where I can get out , but it 's pretty dark where I am — I ca n't hardly see anything except these trolley things .
21 It 's a erm it was let's see what we can do to these nasty Labour controlled authorities and see how we can break down their erm their control of education and immediately they introduce it then suddenly the things start happening and they have second thoughts about it , and I 'm sure as night follows day that they 're going to have second thoughts about this when it actually occurs .
22 I had little to do except wait and see how they would attack me next . ’
23 Erm I would go further than erm performance related pay for the cabinet and , and so on , and I would actually put them all on income support erm and see how they could cope !
24 How could you make , how could you make , I 'd like you to both have a look at those now and see how you could make , quiet .
25 So at this moment it 's as well to look at your present experience and see how you can help yourself to extend it , before applying to audition at a drama school .
26 Friends of Washington Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre AGM , come along and see how you can raise funds for the centre , District 15 , Washington , 7.30pm .
27 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
28 So if the Chancellor is rotten enough to raise taxes , or your boss is foolish enough to give you a pay rise , you can type the details in , and see how it will affect your budget .
29 To be able to design a complete garment , fabric and shape and see how it will look before knitting the garment is wonderful .
30 If they have n't remained constant over our sampling period , right , then there 's no point in making our sample predictions , alright , we 've got to have at least the confidence that our model is re relatively stable over our small sample , right , in order to make any sort of predictions about the behaviour of the dependent variable that we are looking at and the parameter of interest out of sample more often than not when we have parameter instability that does n't always signal a change in government policy , it often signals the fact that you 've got a very poor model , a model er is mis-specified and so if we detect a structural change in our model , we first of all try and explain why it may come about
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