Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] was to be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When a special event or a victory like the Nile , Trafalgar or Waterloo was to be announced , the Mail Coach and horses were decorated with laurels and a red flag floated from the roof of the coach .
2 He was only too thankful that Sarah was to be removed from his home .
3 Since it was revealed that Middlesbrough was to be given environment city status the borough council has organised a number of initiatives to help improve the town .
4 The Declaration envisaged the abolition of all tariffs within the zone , although Ecuador was to be permitted to dismantle its strongly protectionist system in two stages — 50 per cent of its tariffs would be lifted by the end of 1991 , and the remainder by June 30 , 1992 .
5 The English , with no hope now of consummating the Rough Wooing , finally withdrew ; but the French were proving almost equally unwelcome , provoking fears among committed Protestant reformers that Scotland was to be swallowed up by yet another powerful nation , and this one Papist .
6 ( 42 ) If he was small enough to sell his Lord for so little , how account for the remorse which led him to suicide when he realized that Christ was to be slain ?
7 Parliament ordered his arrest in February 1644 after he clashed at Paul 's Cross with the Presbyterian Cornelius Burges [ q.v. ] , and he was soon in trouble again for preaching , allegedly , that Christ was to be found even ‘ in hogs , and dogs , or sheep ’ .
8 ( The Iraqis had themselves declared on Sept. 24 that Bush was to be put on trial in mid-October for war crimes against Palestinians through US co-operation with the " Zionist entity " and for killings in Panama and Grenada . )
9 Most people ignored this commandment , although I have heard it said that Pike was to be seen with a compass on a number of occasions , trying to align himself correctly .
10 Although McGregor was to be paid £50 000 , the same as the man he replaced , the British government had to pay Lazard Freres $4.1m. over five years to compensate them for losing McGregor .
11 By the end of September she had lost interest in everything , and waited with dread for the news that Corrie was to be taken back to London .
12 The President of the self-proclaimed " Republic of Kosovo " , Ibrahim Rugova [ for election see p. 38919 ] , held talks in Geneva with Owen and Vance on Sept. 16 , during which he reiterated his fundamental position that Kosovo was to be treated as part of the former Yugoslavia , and not as a province of Serbia .
13 The Kentishmen 's statement of grievances , comprising fifteen articles and five requests to the King , throws some light on this ( 7 ; 11 , pp.338–42 ) The first article stated that there were rumours that Kent was to be turned into a forest as a punishment for Suffolk 's death .
14 It was odd , Lucinda thought , that men should be doing a job more suited to women , but this was a real ship , was n't it , on which , if Molly was to be believed , women had yet to establish themselves .
15 Plaice , then , and two helpings — better make it three if Faustina was to be included — perhaps ‘ portions ’ was the word — and some chips .
16 Angela Cartwright , as chairman of the local Party , explained the procedure for calling a Special General Meeting if Grunte was to be de-selected , and the meeting adjourned after Carole Swan said she would take soundings among members of the Party after the conference .
17 From the outside it looked like a bank ( and with good reason , if Wayne was to be believed : ‘ That guy , ’ Wayne said , ‘ he 's raking it in ’ ) .
18 He was quite acute , if Amy was to be believed .
19 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
20 This new era which opened the century in both Britain and America was to be characterized by an increased politicization of the city as political parties widened their hold , by an increased interest in every aspect of city life , and by increased regulation through political and philanthropic agencies .
21 On 29 June 1559 , Henri wrote to the pope , that notorious bombast Paul IV , about ‘ the incredible disaster which has since befallen the realm of Scotland to our extreme regret , disgust and displeasure ’ ; the letter stated his ‘ confidence in God who is so signally offended at this wretched plague of ruffians ’ , but God was to be given worldly assistance in the shape of ‘ a large and sufficient force of French soldiers , infantry and cavalry ’ .
22 Until that date Louis was to retain the Norman Vexin while Margaret was to be kept in Henry 's custody .
23 True , there would be argument about how or whether Iraq was to be made to conform with clauses in the 11 other relevant Security Council resolutions and horror at the thought of the Iraqi regime surviving with its army and air force still largely undestroyed .
24 Just as Paris was to be linked to the sea via the Seine estuary after Philip 's conquest of Normandy , so the emergent capital of Capetian France was brought into a closer relationship to the wealth of the Low Countries through the absorption of Artois .
25 He was worshipped then for his talent and untimely death — perhaps a little as Eliot was to be worshipped , in the 1940s and '50s , for his saintly abstention from the world .
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