Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The surviving accounts of his triumph dwell on the size of the booty , but of greater interest to us is its dispersal : statues were dedicated in Italian and even in Spanish towns , where Mummius had earlier served as praetor ( judicial magistrate ) and provincial governor .
2 A year later Mrs Meehan wrote , ‘ As I say again , Paddy or Jim had never heard of Mr Ross until after this crime , and I know if not this week or this year , he will clear himself one day .
3 The first was a scene where Johnny has just cheated on his girlfriend Yvonne , and a tell-tale pair of panties falls out on to the floor .
4 Its collaboration with Evans & Sutherland has reportedly resulted in a breakthrough 3D graphics accelerator family that 's two to three times faster than anything SGI currently has .
5 With supporters opposed to the Douglas braggarts he set off towards Tantallon castle , where Angus had precipitately fled on learning that the king was loose and in vengeful mood .
6 The growth of this industry was the most fundamental change in the country 's economy in the later Middle Ages ; where England had previously relied for its exports largely on the export of raw wool for the more advanced industrial economies of the Low Countries and Italy , it became in this period a manufacturing nation in its own right , and cloth replaced wool as its main resource in international trade .
7 After some time he found himself down at the Green , where Emily had not come with him ; and remembered Emily , and decided that he must ask her to become engaged to him before he went , to wait for him ; would she agree ?
8 Behind the town , where Wallace had ecstatically rambled with his butterfly-net through glowing forests , the hills were bare .
9 And also because Daniel was encouraging Elisabeth to learn to play the lyre and cittern that Horst had recently acquired in Italy .
10 I am as surprised as anyone to learn that Colin has now signed for current Football League champions Leeds United .
11 For , since the Egyptians believed that Osiris had actually lived in their land long ago , his cult signified that a particular historical event , in this case the death and resurrection of Osiris , could be perpetually repeated by magical simulation so that its supposed good effects could benefit those persons on whose behalf the rites were performed .
12 Lord MacLean heard that MacIver had earlier refused to ‘ grass ’ on his accomplices in the alleged robbery .
13 the bad news is that Tranmere have n't lost at home this season … the good news is that top scorer John Aldridge is carrying an injury …
14 It may be that Taylor had again asked for a reduction of Royalty .
15 Aqib predictably bounced him , and the first over he faced encapsulated all that Gower has ever stood for : an edge ( somehow made to seem unregretted ) and an exquisite cover-drive ; beaten again , and a controlled turn to leg for two .
16 First a few exploratory notes , presumably on the Steinway Grand that Morse had earlier admired in the Lancaster Room ; then the whole melody as the pianist hired for the afternoon tea-room session fingered his way through the nostalgic chords of ‘ Love 's Old Sweet Song ’ .
17 At first glance it appears that Braudel has merely hit on a convenient fashion of dividing up the past , to bring it under control and make it easier for historians to encompass .
18 But Guy would have staked his own soul on the fact that Isabel had never lain with a man .
19 Following the Arens-Baker meeting , reports in the Israeli media began to imply that Shamir had privately agreed to the compromise formula .
20 Opposition leaders from the Islamic Renaissance Party and the chair of the Tajik Democratic Party , Shodmon Yusupov , denied that Tajikistan was a democratic state , as Nabiyev had assured Baker , and regretted that Baker had not met with opposition parties .
21 It is obvious that Alison has not recovered in any sense , and is just managing to keep out of hospital by maintaining her weight at a low but not life-threatening level .
22 She tried however to pin her thoughts on other matters and , recalling that Ven had only returned to Mariánské Láznë in order to pick up some papers , she realised that , since they were important enough for him to make the four-hour return journey , he must want them to hand over to someone else .
23 He regretted that Plato had not broken with the gods of the old cults and myths even though he had evidently known them to be false .
24 And with that thought , she wrung out her dress , and flopped it into the basket that Sabina had already filled with a heap of the family 's washing .
25 It required the applicant States to demonstrate that Germany had either consented to Article 6 , or that Article 6 had become customary international law .
26 What what I did say that Halam had already objected to them going down Station Lane at Edingley which we did .
27 As she did , Claudia realised , pity mixing with sorrow as she remembered that Dana had just parted with the man she loved .
28 In fact , it was the sort of autonomy that Dustin had already won on his last two pictures , and would retain , much to many directors ' displeasure , in most of his future ventures .
29 This was something that Picasso had also conveyed in the necks of the Horta figures , where the area between the projecting tendons appears to have been cut back into a deep recess .
30 They also no doubt discussed the album of songs by Sir Noel that Ken had just recorded for HMV .
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