Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [was/were] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Scarlet , though not reassured by her words , was touched by her gesture until she saw that Camille was merely reaching for the crisp packet and had patted her in passing .
2 Is it not ironic that Australia won the final playing in exactly the same style that England were so slated for — to win !
3 But the truth is that Mellor was always riding for a fall .
4 The fascination of this book is in its clear-sighted debunking of the myths which many have fondly mistaken for historical truth : that Columbus was really aiming for Asia , that he and his sailors thought the world was flat , that Queen Isabella pawned her jewels to finance his trips and came down with her husband to wave him off from the docks , or even ( a fondly-cherished delusion ) that these were journeys of discovery rather than intentional acquisition and expansion of the Spanish empire .
5 My friend says that George was only gone for five minutes , but when he returned from the toilet he said that he had been captured , flown to Venus and then forced to have sex with several beautiful Venusian lasses , who required his ‘ superior seed for the creation of a cosmic super race ’ .
6 Somehow all these less exciting duties had had to take second place to the social events Aubrey and Madeleine were constantly arranging for his entertainment .
7 It was as if Marcus were actually waiting for him to effect some magical release or communication .
8 The project ended in financial disaster , and Vermuyden was temporarily imprisoned for not paying his debts .
9 The Morley/Penman project had a negative thrust — ‘ rockist ’ duly became a term of abuse as casually applied by pop fans as ‘ selling out ’ had been by 1960s rock fans — but its tone was relentlessly optimistic and Morley was duly rewarded for his faith in market forces ( and in Dollar in particular ) by being invited into Trevor Horn 's record label plans .
10 Speeches made by other CPV leaders criticized the West for undermining world socialism ; Poland and Hungary were also denounced for allowing non-communists to gain a share of power .
11 W. 's chapter of misfortunes continued when , in September 1991 , Dr. M. suffered a heart attack and contact between him and W. was necessarily severed for some three months .
12 The institutional context provided by the OEEC and NATO was largely taken for granted ; the primary focus for study — and political debate — was on the structures and policies of the evolving European Communities .
13 On the eastbound platform Dean and Lee were already waiting for them .
14 Having worked offshore on oil platforms for the last 13 years , Derry and Fran were well prepared for the rather isolated nature of life on the island .
15 She and Boldwood were obviously going for a ride together .
16 Leith could n't help feeling extremely sorry for her , especially when she discovered that Rosemary , brought up believing that marriages were forever , could not accept that her marriage was over — even though it had ended up such a disaster and Derek was now asking for a divorce .
17 Both Mac and Morrissey were well known for slagging off the entire rock world outside their own small circles .
18 Calhaem and Jones were later jailed for life .
19 It " would have taken 15 minutes to reach San Salvador and Marianella was probably transferred for interrogation to the Military School .
20 Pacifism had been abandoned as a means for dealing with fascism and Lansbury was widely ridiculed for his " mission to the dictators " which some on the Left saw as little better than Chamberlain 's visit to Munich .
21 Thus although the authorities had their wish and Leese was effectively silenced for six months , during which time the IFL became a virtually moribund organization , the Rex v.
22 Many leading Whigs were dead : Shaftesbury had fled to Holland at the end of 1682 , only to die in exile in January 1683 ; Sidney and Russell were both executed for their part in the Rye House Plot , whilst another conspirator , the Earl of Essex , killed himself in the Tower ( although some suspected he had been murdered ) .
23 But in 1888 , two years after my father was born , the newly constituted county councils were created and Oxfordshire was systematically governed for the first time .
24 But Mills was also known for his resilient and bubbly personality and he had even been a Samaritan .
25 The same fusion of techniques can be found even earlier , while Elvis was still recording for Sun .
26 The man all cricket knows as Syd was all set for action … after a year long fight for fitness … and then on saturday in the gym fate struck again
27 The man all cricket knows as Syd was all set for action … after a year long fight for fitness … and then on saturday in the gym fate struck again
28 There are still problems with central defence as Wetherall was partly to blame for the goals .
29 Elections to the Assembly 's 125 elective seats last took place in October 1988 [ see pp. 36264-65 ] , when Kaunda was also re-elected for a further five-year term as President .
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