Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [vb mod] [vb infin] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The headmaster , ’ said Toby carefully , ‘ decided that Pickerage must have done it . ’
2 It was not enough that God could have done what Aristotle had deemed impossible .
3 This year , Victorine snorted : she and Léonie would have to do it .
4 For almost the first time since his reappearance in her life Laura found herself wondering whether she and Ross could have done anything to save their marriage all those years ago .
5 I know you ca n't simply kill him , even with a seeming accident , or you and Farquhar would have done it long since . ’
6 ‘ Yes , although I would say that Peter and Eric would have done it anyway .
7 That set them off again , Harbury enthusiastically reciting the string of reasons why the police had questioned Tavett several times ; Oliver throwing in that Tavett might have known about it but Pascoe must have done it ; Zak saying it was political assassination and nothing to do with the staff of the paper ; Holly reminding him that Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch had found nothing to support that ; and Rosie hushing the clamour because her telephone was ringing .
8 But it was only a detail , and it did n't alter the fact that no one but Ivy could have done it .
9 But Mark would like to do it without the company !
10 The Josephs were squabbling about whether Merlyn should have done what she had just done , whether Barbara Coleman had not truly deserved it .
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