Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [vb past] been [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 This argument reflects the official view disseminated after the war had begun again that Edward had been coerced into accepting the treaty while he was under the tutelage of Mortimer and Isabella and that therefore he could not be bound by it .
2 The truce with the Scots was , however , opposed by some of the northern nobility , whose personal interest lay in continuing the war , and it could be argued that Edward had been forced into it by another military humiliation and a political misjudgement .
3 The USSR , however , mindful of the fact that Cuba had been made into a prominent campaign issue by both contenders for the US presidency , paid no heed to the wave of Cuban nationalisations of US property during August-October 1960 .
4 All the family felt that Stephen had been hustled into the engagement by Claire , who was a hard , devious girl , and were relieved when it was broken when he returned from Newcastle .
5 I learnt from Otto before I left that Ahmed had been taken into custody prior to being deported .
6 The corner that Japan had been backed into by economic sanctions left her with little alternative .
7 Later on Feb. 2 Babic again rejected the peace plan , stating the following day that the participants at the meetings had been subjected to heavy pressure and physical assault from Serbian leaders and that Paspalj had been coerced into signing .
8 She thought of the inevitable disdain with which her friend would react to the news that Constance had been seduced into a reckless marriage with a virtual stranger .
9 What caused me concern was , as I say , the slightly uncomfortable feeling that Eliot had been bounced into writing an article which he did not particularly relish doing and to which he would in any case have wished to devote much more reflection .
10 Apparently Merton College had refused to take northern students and Oxford had been plunged into chaos and riot .
11 A moment later he and Twoflower had been dragged into the lee of the ravaged altar , and lay panting on the floor .
12 Richard , of Cheltenham , Glos , said : ‘ Jackie was extremely distressed because Vernon had been thrown into a cell with 100 other prisoners . ’
13 While Francis had been gazing into the unseeable distance , the wall had extended several metres across the clearing .
14 A young attendant in a blue uniform respectfully opened the door , and as soon as Luce had been settled into the grey suede luxury of the front passenger-seat they set off for the mainland .
15 She saw the water at a higher level than it had been when Henrietta had been lowered into it and the mouths of the two pipes were almost submerged .
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