Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [vb past] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Government critics predicted that violence would now escalate , arguing that Fujimori had played into the hands of Sendero , which had long wished to provoke a military coup in the hope of establishing itself as the sole democratic force opposed to a repressive government .
2 Police Sergeant Herbert Thorpe said that Drew had walked into the station and reported that trousers he had lost earlier had shown up and that he wanted the sergeant to inspect them .
3 It was the first time for a long while that Tommy had come into the dining rooms for his morning break and Carrie had spotted him from the window as he pulled up outside and climbed down wearily from his horsecart .
4 Still receiving treatment , he heard that Sien had gone into the hospital for poor patients at Leyden to have her baby .
5 The court was told that Gambrill had climbed into the girl 's bunk bed while babysitting and tried to have sex with her .
6 She had been sure he had already left the castle before she and Ellen had ventured into the town .
7 When he , Larsen and Karen had settled into the high cab , the girl in the middle , Rocky selected first gear and started them rolling slowly forward , following the other rig away from the roaring inferno behind them .
8 Shivering with the intense cold , Ho and Jack stood staring into the transparent body of the Kershaw Worm .
9 After stopping in Kinshasa , the flight had landed in France and Mike had walked into the recruiting post at Fort St Nicholas and joined up .
10 Radicals from across London , Britain , and Europe began to pour into the college to observe , participate , or make unsuccessful attempts to take the struggle into the correct channels .
11 ‘ It would be something though , would n't it , ’ Carew persisted , ‘ if Kinsella started to dip into the funds for his own personal use .
12 She told her parents how she and Susan had bumped into the two lads from Northallerton and that they 'd all gone together to the Lobster Pot for a drink .
13 And Joanna had launched into the tale , thereafter regaling her fascinated listener with other stories of fitzAlan 's past .
14 Midge and Stevie had moved into the guest bedroom .
15 ‘ Suki … ’ said the child through her sobs , and Chrissie turned to look into the garden .
16 But Sarah had stepped into the railway carriage with relief , unable to feel anything but pity for the curate whose heart she had unwittingly stolen .
17 There were a lot more long balls down the middle of the field than usual , simply because Beeny was putting them there whereas Lukic had got into the habit of putting them in the stand .
18 Many of them by now had been in Malta for several months … and ever since Italy had entered into the war , these boys , often in obsolete aircraft , had carried out bravely and unquestioning , any task that they had been called upon to perform .
19 The party had quietened in the half-hour since Belinda had turned into the driveway , but music , laughter and conversation still flowed over her with a welcome wave of sound that drowned the thudding pulse in her ears and the silent clamour of her thoughts .
20 Indeed , John Knox was later to claim that after Beaton had cried into the dying king 's ear that there should be four regents , with himself as principal , ‘ a dead man 's hand was made to subscribe a blank ’ .
21 Joseph had been tremendously excited when Patrick had strolled into the dusty bookshop that morning .
22 As Ryker came careering into the kitchen , Julie threw back the cellar hatch and came hurtling forth like a maddened trap-door spider , brandishing the hammer .
23 ‘ Did n't … did n't sleep very well , ’ Mossop confessed , as soon as Harry had climbed into the car .
24 Salt said as Jess came running into the kitchen .
25 Blindly she moved back to her desk again , to the neat pages she had been stacking when Rob had come into the room .
26 It ensured lively lunchtimes for the railway workers , especially when Crawford had to jump into the river to rescue a member of the rival gang who had fallen in .
27 Dreams for the future had not been abandoned , for Dave hoped to move into the management side at work .
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