Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun prp] be go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He can see that Dr Serafin is going to be a very firm chairman .
2 I understand that Mr Sugden 's going to law about it . ’
3 On 2 May 1839 Prince wrote to Gould in Australia warning him of Swainson 's impending visit : ‘ Mr. Yarrell has just called and requested me to tell you that Mr Swainson is going to Australia whether to collect or to settle is not known at present but he considered it of importance that you should know it as quickly as possible not that either he or I think it can in any way affect you as you have so good a start and his wonted and well known irregularity of publication will surely militate against him . ’
4 Fabia echoed , and hoped as light dawned on her that she had got it right , ‘ You 're saying that Mr Gajdusek is going to Prague ? ’
5 David heard that Mr Major was going to be Prime Minister and he said , surely it 's Mrs Major .
6 It also meant that Mrs Thatcher was going to be away in Paris at the summit meeting in the crucial final days before the first ballot .
7 The athlete has told the court that the Evans ' marriage was completely over before she became involved , but Mrs Evans said she had no right to comment , since she was an adulteress , she added that Ms Sanderson is going around schools parading before children : ‘ If there 's any of the children 's fathers there that she fancies , will she take them ’ , she asked .
8 Charles could not judge George Birkitt 's performance , he was too close to the part to be objective , but there was no doubt that Michael Banks was going to be very strong as the father .
9 He said he had heard a rumour that Margaret Thatcher was going to be made Governor of Gibraltar , ‘ but I 'll believe that when it happens . ’
10 ‘ Do n't forget , ’ I said , ‘ that Howard Baker 's going to be there . ’
11 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
12 Already officers were returning from enquiries with completed interview-forms and Lucy Lane was going through them as they came in .
13 Why did Holmes say that he and Dr Watson were going to London ?
14 And Uncle Nick was going on ten . ’
15 Olga and Boyd Stych are going to be blamed , because everyone will think they were agreeable to its publication .
16 Paul is home and Jeremy Prior 's going to be there as well .
17 We were sitting in our caravan , and John Peel was going through the line-up .
18 We were sitting in our caravan , and John Peel was going through the line-up .
19 The question now is whether Mr Clinton is going to be forward-looking ; to give shape to a sense of what the next American Dream , and what America 's post-cold-war role , could be .
20 One of the very special things Christine did for her was to write notes to leave for the tradesmen when Miss Miggs was going to be out when they called — like NO MILK TODAY , THANK YOU , or ONE SMALL LOAF , PLEASE .
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