Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [conj] [noun] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And granddad does n't li want people to see him sort of you know when he has to get up and walk about and go to the loo with the door open and I mean it 's not so bad for us because we 're all related but it 's awful for You know I mean I ca n't imagine Jody or Jessica or Alison or anybody liking it very much .
2 So that any any school within Nottinghamshire if you like or or Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire or whatever might be appropriate in this area .
3 She sat in the stalls and watched the director , a thin , bald man with a gingery beard whose name was Vic or Mick or Dick or something , take the company through Act One of the show .
4 ‘ It is a country with opportunities , ’ said Steve : and off they went again , with their second-hand opinions , their echoes of overheard conversations , their phrases from advertisements and tabloid newspapers : and yet to Shirley there was perhaps something comfortable , despite all , something reassuring about the hands of cards , the button and matchstick money , the green baize of the table , the predictable , ancient jokes , the cigarette ends in the big red ashtray : there was safety here , of a sort , safety in repetition , safety in familiar faces and frustrations , and warmth of a sort , warmth and communion of a sort , society of a sort : the society she had discovered as a teenager , when she would slip surreptitiously out of the icy silence of Abercorn Avenue , where the clock ticked relentlessly on the kitchen wall , where Liz propped her textbooks against the Peek Frean biscuit tin on the kitchen table , where her mother sat in the front room listening to the radio , cutting up newspapers ; she would let herself quietly out of the back door and creep down the passage , past the outside lav , through the back gate , round the corner , and then she would run for it , along Hilldrop Crescent , down The Grove , up Brindleford Drive , and across the main road at the lights to Victoria Street , where Cliff and Steve and their sister Marge lived .
5 His two brothers both died with smallpox cos one was , they all three went to Wolverhampton Grammar School and they were a Wednesbury family and they died with the smallpox but I thought they were putting the youngest which was my grandfather for the best trai one was going in for law and the other was going in for medicine , and the youngest was go which was the same as engineering is today I suppose , and he went into the gun trade , and I can remember him , he was a grand old chap and er he used to come and bring the springs that he 'd made and to temper them he used to throw them in the kitchen fire , and they 'd die out and get them all out of the ashes in the morning , and he used to take his week 's work in his waistcoat pockets and his day out was to get on the tram at the Brown Lion , and go straight through Wednesbury and right through West Bromwich up to the Constitutional in Birmingham to Greeners or Wembley and Scotts and he 'd got these gun locks as he 'd made during the week in his waistcoat pockets .
6 Virgil or Dante or Homo or something ? ’
7 Or Marks and Sparks or something like that .
8 Well I just know that Tracey and Linda and I do n't know who 's Tracey and Linda .
9 Certainly , we have less international debt than Poland or Hungary and we are owed money by the Soviet Union .
10 I think of Claudia and Victoria and Candice and I compare their facial motions in an impertinent fashion .
11 So Andrew , Kevin and Karen are together so that 's alright , then it 's Michelle and Mutty and Paul and it 's Nana and Adrian , my brother 's
12 Yeah it does , you see if Ken and Freda or anybody knew they were being televised they 'd be careful of what they said
13 Will you make a wedding breakfast for for the officers there were two officers and Sam and Emma and our Annie and Jack .
14 Some of them and they made them Leslie and Eric and James , Jimmy and Andrew and Jim and Georgie and Jim and them , they worked in the Wintertime you see and made the barrels .
15 She had begun to like the gardens , and the robin , and Martha and Dickon and their mother .
16 He said the thieves were mostly from Yorkshire and Tyne and Wear and they travelled north each February to raid golden eagle nests .
17 He would have to move into a school where the powerful names were still Bethune-Baker ( though he was retired ) and Marsh and Raven and he would be , intellectually speaking , up against it in a way that he was not at Durham .
18 She tried reading him Wordsworth and Tennyson and Browning but he would sigh and interrupt her when she did , so she went back to the lighter Kipling poems and he would lie and grin happily to himself and make her read his favourite passages over and over again .
19 Ardneavie House is big — at least ten bedrooms — and Lucinda and Jane and me are on the top floor with the boat's-crew Wrens .
20 Asked about the SNP leadership , he declared : ‘ I do n't say that Salmond and Sillars and Ewing and them have all the answers , no .
21 I wished again that I had been at B.P. with Angela and Anne and Wendy and my other ‘ comrades ’ .
22 Well er me and Steve and Mark and you you 're going
23 And Peter and Sandy and they went back and forth all the Winter with that boat .
24 All the sounds of the valley end here in my room , and the women speak in front of me — of Hywel and Beuno and Elizabeth and me — and the men who work on the farm piss in the hedgerow in front of me because they all think I am dead .
25 If Paul or Erlend or I were to die at Siward 's hand , you would feet as he does .
26 Thus both Quinton and Rutter ( 1983 ) and Brown and Harris and their colleagues ( Harris et al. , 1987a ) have shown that pregnancies are more common amongst girls with childhood lack of care than in a comparison group .
27 But there was Dottie and James and Addy and I 'd be sure to think of some others .
28 A defence agreement with the United Kingdom , covering the provision of military advisers , joint exercises and the sale of military equipment , was signed on Feb. 11 by Defence Minister Sheikh Ali Sabah As Salim as Sabah and his UK opposite number Tom King .
29 When Bill and Kevin and I looked at how we could cope with appraisal in our division , the numbers did n't work out as badly at least as I thought they were going to originally .
30 Aries same as Keith and David and your Dean .
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