Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] [conj] it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 A small figure was seated beside the trainer and it was only when the two men got out of the car and walked briskly towards them that Kelly saw that it was Cy McCray .
2 On Aug. 21 Nikolai Zhurbenko and Pavel Creanga , the heads of the commission monitoring the Dnestr ceasefire , reported that large numbers of arms had been surrendered and that warring groups had mostly disbanded , although Zhurbenko said that it was too soon for peacekeeping forces to be withdrawn .
3 You did n't fall for that ludicrous theory — advanced , if I recall correctly , in the Sunday Telegraph — that Punch died when it was deserted by the nation 's finest cartoonists ?
4 He had been informed that John Browne spoke with a stutter but the elder of the two men in front of him spoke with such pride and composure that Claverhouse doubted if it was the right man .
5 Their decision was prompted by fears that the protector might usurp the throne , although Mancini adds that it was supported by the queen 's family , who wanted to prevent power passing to Gloucester .
6 Their decision was prompted by fears that the protector might usurp the throne , although Mancini adds that it was supported by the queen 's family , who wanted to prevent power passing to Gloucester .
7 But then , as another hazard , this time in the shape of plant machinery on the road , was negotiated , so Fabia saw that it was hardly fair to bombard Ven with questions when he must by far prefer that she keep quiet and leave him to concentrate on his driving .
8 When they arrived at Auckland Alexander asked them for the silver and his Presence was such that they did not dare to tell him that they had no silver , so Joan said that it was ‘ in the bank ’ .
9 She felt entirely responsible for the accident although Berg croaked that it was all his own fault .
10 The air raids and gas attacks that everyone had feared did not take place but Anne and Sarah agreed that it was the small inconveniences of war that were hardest to bear .
11 It was not long after that , though , that the rain decided once again to make an appearance and Ven decreed that it was in for the rest of the day .
12 As for the philosophers , Plato thought that all progress consisted in trying to approximate to a pre-existing model in the timeless world of transcendental forms and Aristotle believed that it was the realization of a form which was already present potentially .
13 But Dierdriu only smiled at him , and Fergus saw that it was the cruel , charming smile of her ancestors , who had lain with the wolves .
14 Both Gimbert and Lascubé argued that it was Griffiths who was responsible for the collapsed scrums , but obviously Gimbert 's inexperience played a part in his inability to work out a solution .
15 Keynes has shown that he and his brothers , six of them according to Florence of Worcester , appear in the witness lists of royal charters for some time before 1006 ; but it was in 1007 that Eadric received his ealdormanry , and Florence says that it was Eadric who had Ælfhelm murdered and the king who blinded his sons .
16 The tenancy was not from year to year but for a term which would continue until Matlodge certified that it was ready to proceed with the development of the property .
17 The steps were worn away at the centre , and Grainne wondered if it was from the footsteps which passed this way every night , or whether it was simply from age .
18 It looked like hundreds and hundreds of houses all piled dangerously on top of each other and Endill wondered if it was safe to live in such a place .
19 Pete called , and Wayne signalled that it was .
20 He told Daniel about the terrible St Rémy painting of the blasted tree , about noir-rouge , and Daniel said that it was odd that these orchards should be all over the walls of other asylums now , to cheer people up .
21 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
22 And God saw that it was good . ’
23 And God saw that it was good . ’
24 And God saw that it was good ’ .
25 And Jack knew that it was .
26 The cancer of the breast was hopelessly advanced and Young felt that it was the result of wearing fashionably tight dresses , ‘ very beautiful in a picture and there only to be admired …
27 It was not unpleasant , and Huy wondered whether it was the effect of the wine .
28 And Maurin replied that it was easy to guess .
29 Elizabeth took no part in this discussion and Lydia wondered whether it was her imagination or whether Elizabeth had the air of someone who could say a great deal if she chose .
30 There was something funny here , and Lydia suspected that it was not the sort of funniness that she would enjoy .
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