Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] [was/were] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries was strongly in demand after results today showed it had made record half-year profits .
2 Information arrived from deep in Northumberland that King Edward was already on the move northwards , earlier than anticipated , having left Newcastle the day before at the head of a great army estimated at sixty thousand , well equipped with cannon and siege-engines .
3 He confirmed that General Noriega was briefly in the hands of the rebels but said the US had no time to make use of this fact .
4 It did n't matter that David Beaton was away with the ships ; this was women 's business .
5 Political sources said that Mitterrand loyalists were already in touch with Gaullist Edouard Balladur , 63 , widely expected to head the next government , to discuss the handover from the present prime minister , Pierre Beregovoy .
6 The duty sergeant told me that Bert Shorrocks was still in the cells and due up in front of the beak that afternoon , but they had n't set eyes on my old man the whole weekend .
7 As late as 13 October the Shoan leaders continued to believe that Negus Mikael was still at Dessie .
8 Although Prince Henry was nominally in command the real leader of the expedition was the Duc de Richelieu , a worldly , loose-living sophisticate , who found Henry 's piety irritating .
9 He recalls that the Chancellor came in to the store at around 5pm , and stands by this approximate time even though he is well aware that Mr Lamont was then in a Treasury Select Committee at the House of Commons .
10 Neither of them had taken the slightest notice of my movements , except that Mr Parsons was already in my empty chair , and the two of them , with Ewen Mackay 's flask of whisky now standing between them , were talking about salmon fishing .
11 ‘ Well , of course Charles might not have known that Mrs Thrigg was actually in the house during the quarrel .
12 At least she could take some comfort from the fact that Rune Christensen was also in the hunt .
13 Siobhan shouted that Sandy Lee was still in the front bedroom .
14 Finding that Mary Read was totally in control of all work out there , she swiftly gave in her notice .
15 It is also clear that Lord Scarman was only considering the position of the child vis-à-vis its parents : he was not considering the position of the child vis-à-vis the court whose powers , as I have already said , are wider than the parents ’ .
16 By this time , The King Bees had released a second single but this time without David Jones , although George Underwood was still with the band .
17 It will be noted that the date of the commencement of the composition of the work fits nicely with the conclusion reached above about the probable date of Molla Husrev 's departure for Bursa , but it would perhaps be dangerous to draw from el-Kefevi 's assertion the conclusion that Molla Husrev was still in Bursa in 883/1478 .
18 It thus appears certain that Molla Fenari was still in Karaman at that date .
19 Then a voice spoke , and he realised , incredulously , that Dinah Asshe was here before him , and he had not seen her because he was looking at the dog .
20 Gone are the days when Grandma lived down the road and Auntie Maud was just around the corner , each of them providing a comforting and experienced shoulder for the young mother to lean upon .
21 The Icicle Works do n't appear to be particularly active at the present moment and Ian McNabb was recently to be spotted playing a solo gig at Camden 's Underground Club .
22 The Punch and Judy booth was far from crowded , due to the overwhelming preference of the day excursionists for Pierrots , Uncle Mack and the Bohemia concert party .
23 Passionate , throbbing tangos , La Paloma and La Cumparsita were more in Elinor 's line and Nigel was eager to continue his dancing lessons .
24 The fifteenth/sixteenth-century painting of Santana and São Joaquim was originally in Madalena do Mar .
25 In the middle two matches Chip Beck and Paul Azinger and Mark Calavecchia and Ken Green were always in charge against Gordon Brand Jnr and Sam Torrance and Christy O'Connor Jnr .
26 Harbury and Linda Finch were together at a table when she got there .
27 And Dr Sambataro was still in prison .
28 The data was submitted on a confidential basis , because of the possibility of future publication , and so it is not possible to ascertain whether or not it had any influence on the deliberations of the Review body , but their conclusions on the quality of post-graduate geological research undertaken in Dundee and Strathclyde Universities were exactly in line with the quantitative findings described later .
29 He and Michele Dotrice were also on the top of the car at one point , and Michele was incredibly brave considering her fear of heights .
30 The car was out with its bonnet up and Mr Sargent was there with a flashlight , peering into the engine .
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