Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] [be] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 However he went on to find that Miss T. was lulled into a sense of false security by hospital staff and that she was misinformed as to the availability and effectiveness of alternative procedures .
2 Ministers actually grappling with policy are wary of Sir Leon Brittan 's suggestion this week that East Germany be integrated into the EC , not as a new member , but as an extension of an existing member , West Germany , which already provides the Krenz regime with special access to the West .
3 That was the night that Jessie McPherson was chopped into little pieces by a meat-cleaver .
4 I saw the goal again on the box this morning , and it seems that Brian Deane was pushed into a marginally offside position .
5 It was on one of these occasions that Guy Gibson was ushered into " Cocky's ' presence and , just prior to his appearance , the AOC had given me a slip of paper with the names of about 20 pilots whom he asked me not to recruit — as a favour to him — which was his style .
6 For example , it is widely held that Egas Moniz was stimulated into developing the now largely abandoned technique of controlling psychological disorders by the use of psychosurgery after hearing about the ‘ beneficial ’ side-effects of frontal lobe removal in chimpanzees .
7 The Clifford family owned the estate for almost 200 years from 1469 , and there is a legend that Henry Clifford was sent into hiding by his mother to Londesborough and brought up as a shepherd .
8 Dino Dugganitch and Senad Mirvic were airlfted into Britian last month as part of Operation Irma which brought the wounded out Sarajevo .
9 The emergence of brilliant teenagers like Nicky Barmby , Andy Turner , Stuart Nethercott and Andy Hill were introduced into first-team action and Venables predicted a bright future for the club .
10 The master of the horse , Kambiz Atabai , obliged , and Dr Shakhar was shown into his Majesty 's presence .
11 The door opened and Cornelius Murphy was propelled into the science room .
12 Brian and Christopher Dicks were born into the tradition .
13 There was the odd dissenting voice from jazz modernists and pop vocalists but in the main even young rock and pop celebrities such as Cliff , Billy Fury and Helen Shapiro were cornered into making facile compliments in print along the lines of ‘ What 's The New Trend ?
14 At a party conference in May last year , Kadar was replaced by Karoly Grosz and Mr Pozsgay was swept into the Politburo on the crest of the reformist wave .
15 Old Red waited until the Jemps-Dungarvan mutual-admiration society had broken up and Mr Jemps was climbing into his lorry .
16 Marita and Mr Loren were put into a car and Mr Loren drove to the city centre .
17 Flames set light to his jacket and Mr Williams was helped into a nearby toilet where his hands were drenched with water .
18 And President Delors was thrust into the centre of the row when Commissioner Ray MacSharry resigned and accused him of backing French interests instead of Europe as a whole .
19 ‘ Flameback ’ and N. nigricans were introduced into one of my quieter Malawi tanks where they were n't likely to be harassed .
20 Travel writer Mark Wallington had stories to tell of his south London-born dog Boogie , ‘ a cross between a whippet and a Morris 1000 ’ , star of Five Hundred Mile Walkies , and how at a promising sounding signing session at Harrods , John Julius Norwich and Jilly Cooper were led into the Books Department while he and Boogie were ushered into the Pet Department .
21 Cars in Arran Walk and Gleneagles Road were broken into over the weekend .
22 Nordhausen and Albert Goodenache were coming into view over the horizon .
23 NEWLYWEDS Angela and Chris White were hauled into court for Pounds 500 yesterday — by the bride 's parents .
24 NEWLYWEDS Angela and Chris White were hauled into court for £500 yesterday — by the bride 's parents .
25 Myc and Max plasmids were transformed into the yeast strain W303–1B ( MAT α ho ura3 his3 trp1 ade2 leu2 can1–100 ) and reporter plasmids into the isogenic strain W303–1A ( MATa ) .
26 The Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said yesterday that no formal pledge was given to the rebels but US troops were moved into place on both roads on Tuesday morning , ready to intervene if Washington decided that they should .
27 According to the New York Times of June 29 , a softening of the US government 's previous stance against recognition of the regime set up after the September 1991 military coup in Haiti [ see pp. 38430 ; 38522-23 ] was detectable after Marc Bazin was sworn into office as Prime Minister on June 19 .
28 When Justine Moritz was led into the box , I saw that she also was extremely young .
29 It was almost a week later when Hari Morgan was shown into the small sitting-room of the house in Chapel Street .
30 Lord Lane , the Lord Chief Justice , described the case 's circumstances as ‘ wholly exceptional ’ and said it was only when Mr Butler was driven into a corner that he drew the sword in self defence .
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