Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Also , tell all those 16-bit owners to stop making fun of all us 8-bit owners or Miss W will give them 20,000 lashes ( hope you do n't mind ) .
2 Or Uncle Bow might find himself doing a lifer for your Rosie . ’
3 Africa proved to be a paradise where Mr Sandy could pursue his favourite hobby of birdwatching : ‘ It was a most enjoyable tour from the birdwatching point of view because you can see more species in one day in Africa than you can in a year in Scotland . ’
4 On the day before — Friday — Nutty ordered them all to go to bed early , and meet at the refrigerator factory where Mr Singh would pick them up at 8.15 after they had got the horses ready .
5 Either Dominic Cork or Dermot Reeve will replace him .
6 Mothers told their children to behave or Eric Cauldhame would get them and do horrible things to them with worms and maggots .
7 The Burrows children were expected to be examples to the other youngsters in the corps , and had to sit in the front seats of any hall they attended , where Captain Burrows could keep his eagle eye on them .
8 London Scottish , away to Waterloo , have already won promotion from League Two and either West Hartlepool or Newcastle Gosforth will join them .
9 Now the Supreme Court declared that decision that the constitution gives the power to regulate interstate commerce to the national government , I E it was n't a matter for New York , it was n't a question of whether New York or New Jersey should control it , it was a matter for the federal government not for either of the states .
10 It says that Stirling Moss can use his word processor as a telex machine .
11 But as an occasion it promised much , for Lester Piggott was idolized by the racing public and expectations were running high that Commanche Run would bring him the record .
12 On the one hand he was receiving advice from Cardinal Barberini ( later Pope Urban VIII ) that he should steer clear of theological issues ; on the other he was advised that Cardinal Bellarmine would welcome his comments on a passage in Psalm 18 that appeared inconsistent with Copernican doctrine .
13 Although Victoria Sanchez would do it even better than I would . ’
14 ‘ It was Bill who suggested Cy when it was clear that Ibn Fayoud would take his horses away from the yard rather than use you . ’
15 Nonetheless , Niki soon built on an overwhelming lead in the championship , though a first crisis came at Long Beach when Audetto suggested that Clay Regazzoni ought to have his day in the sun .
16 My boss had arranged that Ken Billings should postpone his calf feeding till we got there so that we could witness the process .
17 Now I assume that Mother Nature will age me along with everyone else .
18 Father Ross said that Mother Francis would take it badly .
19 Or dare I hope that Miss Havisham would make my fortune and marry me to Estella ?
20 There were other more unusual tasks — warming the Bible in front of the fire ready for Miss Phoebe 's daily reading , and putting a bowl of mustard and water under the table so that Miss Jarman could soak her feet during breakfast .
21 I 'd love to help her , and I know every one of us would ; but I do n't think for a moment that Miss Miggs would let us pay her fare , even if we could raise so much money . ’
22 It is unlikely that Mrs. Rimington will find herself , as Hapgood confesses , ‘ running the only network in the western world subject to seasonal fluctuations ’ — i.e. , the school holidays .
23 Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov , the KGB chairman , made an unscheduled nationwide television broadcast on Dec. 11 in which he pledged that KGB troops would do their utmost to prevent the Soviet Union 's collapse by continuing to " act as a barrier against those forces which seek to push the country towards chaos " .
24 Now , it 's every song-writer 's dream that Frank Sinatra will ask you for a song , and I had one all ready .
25 Much as he wished that Aunt Tossie might keep her mind on the Form Book , where their interests in beating the Handicapper ran together , he had nevertheless acceded to her insistence on a party , a small house party , for Nicandra 's first real ball .
26 Was it possible that the letter had been written simply that Aunt Louise might use it as use it she had ?
27 I noticed that Aunt Louise could thread her needle without too much trouble and even write a few letters , but I had heard that sight is often impaired by poor health , and prided myself that this improvement might be due to good food and peace of mind .
28 It did not occur to her , going upstairs in happy anticipation , that Aunt Emily would do anything other than smile upon the plan .
29 • Do not be misled by anyone telling you that Swan Mussels will filter your pond .
30 Here it is , he said and pulled out a bottle of foul-looking medicine that could well have been the very stuff that Dr Jekyll used to turn himself into Mr Hyde .
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