Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was not her first transatlantic flight , as she was in the French team last autumn in Washington , New York and Toronto , where Miss Ledermann rode her into second place in the World Cup round , behind Britain 's Tina Cassan and Genesis .
2 With his whining , nasal , urban voice , there are moments when he is the weedy boy at the summer camp or Woody Allen finding himself in the South American jungles in Bananas .
3 Awarded an 1851 exhibition two-year travelling scholarship , from 1899 he worked in Paris ( under P. van Tieghem and M. Cornu ) , Antibes ( where G. Poirault introduced him to chytrids ) , Freiburg ( under F. Oltmanns ) , and finally the Jodrell laboratory of the Royal Botanic Gardens , Kew .
4 The silence seemed to go on interminably , before either Mr Smith or Mr Jones found it in him to mutter : ‘ I suppose we were talking a little out of turn there .
5 Both The Mall and Birdcage Walk are open and you can use Horse Guards Parade to get to the inside of the course and Hyde Park Corner , Victoria or Pall Mall to position yourself outside of the railings .
6 But I erm I was born in West Norwood , nes , wo West Norwood but where John Major took you to last night on his tour
7 Replacing the highly popular Mr Dubcek was no easy task , but on the grounds that Janos Kadar salvaged something in Hungary when he took over after the popular uprising of 1956 , Mr Husak might have achieved something .
8 Tradition claims that King John used it as hunting lodge .
9 A particularly welcome aspect of the present disc is that Sarah Cunningham presents us with a survey spanning the entire period of the repertoire — as such it will perhaps be more welcome to the non-specialist than the Savall discs .
10 Also , never think that Glentoran fans regard you as a traitor because you want to move to our biggest rivals Linfield .
11 Another had told her daughter that Miss Outram knew nothing about babies .
12 It was amazing , really , thought Robert , that Dr Ali allowed himself to be anywhere near a place as fundamentally un-Islamic as Wimbledon .
13 Details are not yet available , but it is possible that Dr Threadneedle turned her into some sort of cyborg death machine . ’
14 The status of Leintwardine is not clear , although Dr Stanford considers it to be military throughout its history ; the area of 14 acres , however , is too large for a fort , and the presence of civil buildings may indicate otherwise ; it may have changed its status with the pacification of Wales and the redistribution of troops , caused by troubles in the north .
15 Mr. Gordon had persuaded Sir George Phillips , who was a rather crabby old man , to let them use the Park for their meetings , but , all the same , Judy had the feeling that Mr. Gordon did it for Brown Owl and not at all for the Brownies .
16 I could substantiate the information that Mr. Docherty gave me through contact with the West Yorkshire metropolitan police .
17 Beddington thinks Pipkin thinks , ’ concluded Angelina confusedly , ‘ that Sir Thomas did it on purpose because he disliked Pipkin . ’
18 But Singer omits the ‘ all ’ in the two concluding sentences of the quotation which gives the misleading impression that Prince Charles has none of the rights of a king .
19 Dorothy 's acute and sympathetic judgement that Racedown summer led her to a similar conclusion almost at once .
20 Mr Evans , of Inverurie , near Aberdeen , said that Mr Browning telephoned him from South Wales on the evening of 18 June last year to say he wanted to visit .
21 These disappeared and it was not until 1991 that Mr Fothergills reintroduced them as ‘ Brighton Rock ’ .
22 Even I can see that Mr Kinnock knows nothing about economics ; as little as did Sir Alec Douglas-Home , who at least never had the temerity to pretend that he did .
23 It is understood that Mr Major wanted her to be prisons minister , and there was speculation last night that she might have been reluctant to be back in harness with Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Home Secretary , who was her boss at the Health Department during the eggs affair .
24 I take it that Mr Treadwell wants her about her husband 's funeral ? ’
25 There were no farewell parties for me when I left Moose Jaw , although Fred Workman took me to lunch and treated us both to a glass of ale at the Grant Hall Hotel .
26 As for Feng-shiu , although Mr Broadhurst declared it to be the most ridiculous of all these esoteric studies , it did help my geography .
27 As Chief Inspector of Accidents it was within my domain to agree or reject the proposal , so Geoffrey Holton telephoned me at my home that Sunday morning and I immediately agreed to the UK being responsible for the investigation .
28 And although Mrs Thatcher has none of these defects , she is known to be not averse to the occasional run on sterling .
29 The funniest election story to my mind — with the possible exception of Chris Patten losing his seat — is that Annabel Heseltine disfranchised herself by throwing away her Westminster constituency registration forms .
30 East Down won Division Two while Lisburn took the Women 's Inter-club title although Lagan Valley beat them on the day .
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