Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] part [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Local governments are thus not just caught up in recent political conflicts as some innocent or neutral part of the political machine , but are themselves crucial in interpreting and promoting social change .
2 At this time it is not possible to predict whether all or just part of the above listed data will be required by the public registry , or whether the public registry itself will be a part of a larger commercial registry that would include other trade and secured transactions .
3 Is this really censorship or just part of the normal dialogue between author and publisher , who has to find an audience for the book .
4 Increasingly , as we 've been studying the problems of developing countries , two major changes have been occurring ; one in our own thinking that in many ways problems of developing countries are linked in extricably with things that are going on in Britain or Europe or other parts of the so-called industrial world , and secondly that as we 've been studying developing countries , we 've been finding that more and more problems in Britain and other industrial countries begin to look like some of the same problems that we 've been used to in developing countries .
5 If they prove effective , some or all of these and other measures are likely to be " applied in other hospitals or other parts of the public and private sectors " , according to Frank Ward , the commissioning manager .
6 Fly to Brittany , take the boat down to Nice , go up and down the coast , then the Adriatic or other parts of the Med .
7 No-one seriously questions that different parts of the cerebral cortex are specialized to carry out specific functions .
8 In the later part of the decade , its theories and campaigns seemed to many to be the only active and innovative part of the western feminist movement , and affirming or rejecting it occupied an enormous proportion of feminist writing and talk .
9 This involves a substantial intercalation of neurons to form an association area between the sensory and motor parts of the elementary brain .
10 To which the Prince would add that it is a traditional and historical part of the English way of life , and one that is not , contrary to public opinion , exclusively for the rich .
11 In this first category we consider three main criticisms : ( a ) that the model developed in chapter 4 can not account for a major feature of all economies ; ( b ) that the model relies for all its results on very simple specifications of the aggregate supply and demand curves ; and ( c ) that even if one accepts the model as it stands governments might effectively stabilize the economy if they possess better information about the economy than the private sector , or indeed if different parts of the private sector possess different information .
12 All over France , from Lille and Dijon in the north and east to Bordeaux in the south-west , artillery became an essential and accepted part of the growing defensive system associated with towns .
13 Normally a solemn and serious part of the Catholic liturgy of the Mass , on this occasion its solemnity and seriousness were somewhat dented by the sudden arrival of a very pretty little girl of about four or five , who ran down the centre aisle towards the priest , her pig-tails flying , calling , ‘ Zio Padee !
14 In Abkhazia , the Abkhaz population which favoured seceding from Georgia and remaining part of the Soviet Union boycotted the referendum , but the fact that the Abkhaz were a minority in their own autonomous republic was reflected in the 60 per cent turnout of voters , of whom 97.65 per cent voted " yes " .
15 These include the reduction in the legal immunities and rights of trade unions , rejection of formal incomes policy , and the tripartite style of decisionmaking , according priority to the abatement of inflation , even with unemployment at over three million , privatization of state industries and services , changes in the framework in which many public services are carried out , interventions in local government structure and imposition of far-reaching controls over its finance , changes in the welfare state , and open hostility to the civil service and large parts of the public sector .
16 There social science and social research had become an established and thriving part of the academic community from the beginning of this century .
17 In any case , the commercial record of Black artists in recent years is a minor and unimportant part of the general Black experience of British life .
18 Major Malcolm Wallace , the British Olympic equestrian team manager , said last night : ‘ I 'm sure she will do everything in her power to keep equestrianism where it belongs as a strong and integral part of the Olympic movement . ’
19 Although few of the wares are found on the Wall itself , to the south of it they have a wide distribution pattern over the central and eastern parts of the northern garrisons ; , presumably the western sector was firmly under the control of the Wilderspool potters .
20 The Cathedral at Autun was begun in 1120 and considerable parts of the Romanesque building remain .
21 Thus the real and imaginary parts of the atomic scattering factors for the ‘ derivative ’ at λ i were set to and respectively .
22 Takayanagi calculated the real and imaginary parts of the complex modulus for a range of temperatures — 160°C to +120°C .
23 In the second and third decades of the nineteenth century the publication of locally orientated journals , the collection of Ukrainian folksongs , and attempts to use Ukrainian as a literary language marked the beginnings of divergence between the recently dovetailed northern and southern parts of the Russian Empire .
24 For them , examinations are just a ‘ fact of life ’ — an assumed and taken-for-granted part of the secondary school system to which their practice is routinely directed .
25 Italy and various parts of the Middle East are producing pretty good pistachios these days .
26 It has definitely become an accepted and essential part of the whole structure of higher education .
27 Bede 's account of them — the unexpected defeat of Eadwine , the emergence of apostate kings , the ravages of Cadwallon , and the recovery of the northern Angles under Oswald , a Christian who prayed to God on the eve of the battle of ‘ Heavenfield ’ — constitutes one of the most dramatic and best-known parts of the Ecclesiastical History .
28 In Jamaica and other parts of the Caribbean such speakers will be found only in the lowest socioeconomic classes , those whose education and social contacts have hardly brought them into contact with Standard English at all .
29 The supervisory powers of the party in East Germany were considerably extended in the 1970s to include educational institutions , medical establishments , government ministries and other parts of the central administration , going beyond reporting mistakes and inefficiencies to the exercise of control to ensure conformity to party decisions and observance of ‘ socialist legal norms ’ .
30 Certainly some species are difficult to control because they rest in homes only for very short periods ; the Anopheles bolobacensis group of species in Thailand and other parts of the Far East are good examples of this behavioural problem .
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