Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] that [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some will be so distant or insignificant that whether one believes them or their opposite would have no effect on what one believes here .
2 Then she stepped away from him , fearful of her own weakness and afraid that if he kissed her she would dissolve into a quivering jelly that would melt from sheer ecstasy .
3 While she stood staring at it , breathing heavily and conscious that if anyone had made a fool of herself during the past few minutes it was Melissa Craig , the phone began to ring again .
4 A silly little bitch she had been , pleading with him to let her live , and promising that if he did she would say nothing and leave Vienna at once , never to return .
5 He would watch the notices in the papers , and when someone died and the widow was left alone , he would go there and think up some sort of lie — he lied always , as a boy , even when there was no need , and he looked so clean and innocent that if you did not know him you would believe him , every time .
6 Better to drive a bit farther , down in to lower Normandy and the beautiful Vallée d'Auge , past old Norman farms and manors , through country thick with apple trees , and pastures so opulent and green that unless you have seen some of the raw , rebuilt little towns , it is hard to believe in the terrible devastation of only fifteen years ago .
7 When we started having sex I was fifteen and scared that if I went on the Pill the doctor would tell my mum .
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