Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] be [det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps of greater importance than those who were attracted to fascism for irrational or emotive reasons were those who were ideologically committed to the form of radicalism which BUF doctrine and propaganda promulgated .
2 This is the general moral theory first systematically expounded by Jeremy Bentham ( an important figure in penal thought and history ) which says that moral actions are those which produce ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ of people .
3 We do not wish to commit the mistake that Woolgar believes is widespread in social science : namely , of suggesting that the only knowledge which is not subject to the influence of contingent historical , cultural , and social processes is that which we ourselves have written ( Woolgar 1988b ) .
4 This section will question the presumption that crime is overwhelmingly perpetrated by the working classes , or that the ‘ real ’ and serious crimes are those which are typically committed by this group — crimes like burglary , robbery and vandalism .
5 A single gain pot and bass , middle and treble pots are all it needs to deliver some superb clean tones , but if these sounds are too clean and a slight amount of edge is preferred , then a push switch adds in some crunch .
6 A few Chinese sparrows and Chinese magpies is all I 've seen .
7 Mundanity is a variety of realism in so far as familiar and recurrent experiences are those which the mind most readily conceives of as " real " .
8 A few unpublished annual reports and fragmentary descriptions are all we have to weigh against the claims made by Heber and those who cite him .
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