Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pushing my bike up those long hills and dry valleys gave me an intimate understanding of the nature of the chalk landscape .
2 A teaching profession with a better understanding and a wider knowledge of educational research would be more able to question those who indulge in ‘ jargon ’ and also have a solid base from which to put forward their views which , whether rightly or wrongly , still rely too heavily on intuitive feel for what is happening , and I feel confident that the STRN can help bring this about if Scottish teachers give it the support it deserves .
3 At the same time Diana 's healthy lifestyle of regular exercise , little alcohol and early nights gave her the energy to carry on with her royal duties .
4 An apricot cave of pastel carpet and toning walls , soft lights , Mozart and easy chairs gave it a ‘ late evening lounge ’ feel , at odds with a white-capped staff bristling with efficiency behind the computerised reception .
5 For maximum volume and root lift , turn your head upside down — the special ‘ fingers ’ inside the cup will help life and separate curls giving them a fuller look .
6 He wore no tie , but the effect of his neat sleeked-back hair and thick-framed spectacles gave him the look of a rather stern and learned professor .
7 This is an area where WSL 's long years of work on mineral handling and other processes give it an edge .
8 If , as I have argued , neurophysiological explanations of mind explain nothing and if physiological observations give us no purchase on the essentially metaphysical question of the nature of mind , how has the myth become so powerful that many people within and outside the scientific community do believe that neurophysiology has advanced ( or will advance ) our understanding of mind and the mind-body relationship ?
9 At 80 miles per hour , the sight of passing foliage and man-made monuments gives one a cross-eyed headache and the intense activity within the guts of the animal makes standing or walking persons feel like slightly out of balance gyroscopes .
10 His strong dialect and ungrammatical turns of phrase often made him unintentionally amusing , but his dark and ruddy complexion , coarse features , and shabby clothes gave him a hold over the type of working man the total abstainers sought to reach .
11 Tan cosmetics and delayed-action tanners give you a bronze glow without the health risks .
12 The upper glen is delightful , the River Strontian and lovely trees giving it a parklike character .
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