Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For some , the reason is one of choice ; they do not have a job or social links that tie them to a 24 hour day .
2 Without doing anything at all he could make things happen for which he must be punished with slaps , missed meals or verbal assaults that left him trembling and incoherent .
3 For that reason , the majority are likely to be studying technical or vocational subjects that equip them with more immediately useful skills .
4 Since then much theoretical work has been directed at this short-sighted empiricism , uncovering the pattern of cultural or ideological assumptions that supported it .
5 Erm , everything else we 've looked at , there are either statutory problems or other problems that prevent us from charging .
6 Two male friends dressed in drag appear , possibly as twin brides , preferably in long dresses or other outfits that keep them well covered to prevent any incidents among their own group or from outsiders .
7 Presumably it was both practical and political reasons that led him to the subject working party strategy .
8 Organisations have suppliers and clients ; and there are wider social and economic forces that affect them , such as the labour market , the community , government legislation , and of course other organisations .
9 We publish all our own books , and our list of titles reflects the wide range of powerful , amusing and entertaining subjects that interest our Members .
10 There was loads of levers and , and er er crossheads and , and different things that gave plenty of work to our colleagues er including the housing you know , which was a huge er er piece of er welded equipment you know , built into the side of the ship .
11 American banks will need years to recover from the now souring loans to property developers and leveraged buy-outs that followed their third-world lending .
12 Style 3s are actually rarer than Style 4s , and this one has features and serial numbers that date it to 1931 or 1932 .
13 The poor in all countries struggle against the domestic and global forces that oppress them and their resistance takes many forms .
14 In the past I had encountered statements in books and official reports that encouraged me to think of mathematics in a positive way :
15 But fundamentally , of course , there is a massive overlap between the two movements in terms both of the issues and of the values and philosophical concerns that give our work any meaning at all .
16 It is also pointed out that the danger of " hurrying " and teaching " more " is that time for gathering information and reflecting on practice and the implicit and explicit theories that guide it can evaporate easily in the busyness of increasing demands …
17 A fake siege hiding a kidnapping and fake demands that camouflage something else . ’
18 Yet once children were taken into care , and especially if this was by a compulsory route , parents frequently felt ignored and excluded , and there was evidence that they were often left to cope alone with the practical and psychological barriers that divided them from their children .
19 It was n't easy to tell , from the filthy and shapeless rags that covered their filthy and shapeless bodies , but I guessed that there was a man and a woman and some smaller ones that were children .
20 This is not intended to demean in any way the at times very fine lithographs that Redon produced , but rather to imply that they are directly connected in his mind to the literary and visual sources that interested him , including Edgar Allan Poe , Charles Baudelaire , Gustave Flaubert , Stephane Mallarmé , and Goya amongst others .
21 But if we had not had this event we would n't have had those problems.Its the issue of New Age Travellers and illegal parties that produce what you saw last night . ’
22 Lazily , she stretched and smiled , letting her somnolent gaze drift over the procession of reeds and gnarled trees that dipped their branches low into the water .
23 Whatever happened to that little boy , all cuddles and kisses and cheeky sayings that set everyone in a roar ?
24 This is mainly due to the graceful original windows and stained-glass insets that set it off beautifully .
25 Under a massive front-page headline , HUNT FOR DRACULA FIEND ( Star ) , the report indicated that a 13-year-old was able to tell detectives that her attacker ‘ had short dark hair streaked with grey and deep-set eyes that made him ‘ look a bit like Dracula ’ ' .
26 Ants of knowledge were pick-pick-picking at her brain , fighting their way in , and she had no defences against them , but the data they brought were swirled and fragmented pixels that frightened her with their strangeness .
27 The man was slight , with stooped shoulders , a pink face and thick spectacles that magnified his eyes , making the sockets look like deep pits in his skull .
28 There are certain things in there that say what we can and ca n't do , and certain things that say what the band can and ca n't do , ’ says Marshall .
29 All three teachers were adamant that despite the lack of time for consultation , the lack of space and resources and other problems that had nothing to do with the curricular rationale behind the project , it had been a great success .
30 To applause , he declared that the full force of the law would be used in these and other situations that required it .
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