Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 've been around now for two and a half years erm we work as support workers , I suppose , like erm community workers or social workers in some contexts .
2 So why not a proper highlights package on Saturday night , or non-live Sundays as some regions are already trying ?
3 Between 1889 and 1910 fifty-eight clubs moved into new grounds , though there was often continuity of land use in the sense that , at least 35 out of the current league grounds were recreational or sporting grounds in some form before the clubs moved in ’ .
4 We might assume that perceptual experiences of some kind are directly accessible to an observer , but observation statements certainly are not .
5 At the same meeting Nikolai Baibakov , head of Soviet planning , stated that long-term investments of some Roubles 5.5 billion ( £52 bn ) would need to be made in Comecon industries , particularly the energy industries , with the main priorities — nuclear energy , coal , gas and energy conservation technology .
6 This is a belief that celestial bodies in some way influence our planet and ourselves ( the macrocosm affecting the microcosm ) .
7 One school , deciding that extra space for resource-based learning was a priority , took over a classroom for use in unstructured individualized work , with the result that other classrooms including some specialist rooms were more heavily used than before ; teachers complained that they could not get in to put up work on the blackboard beforehand , and were introduced to the more thorough use of the overhead projector ; the timetabler had to bear in mind the needs of some practical subjects where the previous laying-out of equipment was vital , but the exercise was valuable in focusing attention on such priorities and making them clear to everyone .
8 We are better than other countries in some things and they are better than us in others .
9 The next major development at the airport looks increasingly likely to involve the construction of a second runway , although the need to take into account environmental factors and possible objections from some bodies could make the planning process a fairly drawn out affair .
10 Politicians and political parties for some months prior to the announcement of the date of the election had been making their arrangements for manifestoes and candidates .
11 Everybody knows about the clustering of certain social and economic problems in some parts of some of the older metropolitan areas of post-industrial economies .
12 Owing to the insanitary conditions and malarial swamps in some parts there was also a heavy incidence of disease .
13 Boy looked at the pictures of the moustached and uniformed characters with some relish ; but he could n't finish the text , and so missed the single paragraph that Mother had circled in black ink .
14 A strike by provincial journalists and social workers in some areas was added to the list .
15 Especially in southern England , expansion in the metropolitan and outer rings of some MELAs originated from inflows from the cores and rings of other MELAs , frequently from other parts of the country ( Kennett 1977 ) .
16 We have to somehow recognise and then become free of that overwhelming fear of being engulfed by the demands and powerful feelings in some clients and their families .
17 A pragmatist judge will find room in his working theory of as if legal rights for some doctrine of precedent .
18 This has pushed up housing costs and forced retirees with some capital but often on fixed incomes to seek out cheaper places .
19 The New Right had been showing an interest in Labour 's support for lesbian and gay rights for some time , and a number of organizations such as the National Front , the New Patriotic Movement .
20 Now unemployed , she lives on thirty four pounds a week from which she must pay for all her food and living expenses including some rent .
21 There has been intense interest in the British life insurance sector by Australian , New Zealand and Continental interests for some time .
22 ‘ Let's get this business of birthrights and loving parents in some sort of perspective .
23 Exactly why he chose not to proceed will be a matter for debate in financial and footballing circles for some time .
24 In an immediate sense the legislation was a response to growing official pressure among medics and military chiefs for some form of sanitary scrutiny of the armed forces .
25 The next day he tried to beg for money , but large signs in some villages warned him that anyone caught begging would be sent to prison .
26 The moulded plastic capping prevents the broken nails which occur when changing belts on some sanders .
27 These consist of steel towers , as high as neighbouring buildings in some cases , with pieces of wavy-coloured metal attached .
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