Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 He knew that his brother-in-law had never been associated with a controversial or political activity at any time and that , if the files were genuine , his one would contain exactly nothing .
2 The remarkable achievements of Charlemagne are further emphasized by the fact that he did not have a standing or regular army at any time .
3 It 's an easy way to tell if your chosen holiday home has a dishwasher for instance ( a requirement for a 5 Key rating ) , or hot water at all times ( everywhere from 1 to 5 Key ) .
4 These brabanzonen , as they were known , were a growing social and political problem at this time and Alexander had even issued a decree forbidding their use .
5 The implications of both Haringey and Cleveland as indicators of the meaning of family life and sexual choice at that time have yet to be explored .
6 The year of grace is found in Saxon documents of both a royal and civil nature at this time , in the term ab incarnatione , sometimes supplementing and sometimes replacing dating by indiction — of which more later .
7 It was an amazingly dense and sophisticated city at this time ; in one square inch , there was more than in whole blocks of , say , New York .
8 ‘ I 'm looking for controlled aggression and strict discipline at all times .
9 When I have done so , I have had no difficulty whatever in obtaining full and frank information at all times .
10 Usually there is family and peer-group support at such times but the book provides a privacy , an intimacy , that seems appropriate at this particular period .
11 Evidence of closer and longer-term institutional arrangements between business interests and local government at this time is far more limited .
12 It would be a mistake to suggest that there were no direct links between business and local government at this time and , indeed , it may be justified to acknowledge that they were becoming more important and more regular through various forms of consultation .
13 The famous ‘ twinkle ’ in his eye and the firm yet non-interventionist finger he kept on the pulse of hall life made him a fair but firm warden at all times .
14 Robert Walpole , as leading politician at that time , became indispensable to George I , despite their mutual dislike for each other .
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