Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] [be] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Any kind or aspect of information that is not present in the immediately relevant verbal or situational context is to be regarded as irretrievable and hence context-independent .
2 The deconstruction of narrative as a natural or unproblematic activity was to be amplified by several other literary theorists .
3 The second problem is to decide whether a particular exemption clause relating to liability for death or personal injury is to be dealt with under s 2(1) or 2(2) .
4 The main case as to the long-term or lawful ownership was to be sent for the pope to decide when the judges had examined witnesses and collected the evidence .
5 The PHG 600 CE is a very well specified machine that would prove a good investment for those doing a lot of varied stripping work ( especially where bare wood is to be exposed and scorch marks would ruin the appearance ) .
6 By the end of the 1970s , it seemed clear to me that if any cellular or biochemical process was to be regarded as forming part of some type of memorial code , it must show just these features that the drug studies could not readily provide , of being both necessary and sufficient to account for the memory .
7 Like other trades and ‘ mysteries ’ , chemical or pharmaceutical knowledge was to be passed from father to son , or master to apprentice , or wise woman to her daughter , and not broadcast to the world .
8 Where a notice of expulsion or compulsory retirement is to be served pursuant to a unanimous vote the question will arise as to whether all the voting partners should be signatories .
9 In every contract where expert determination is to be used , there will be a clause which refers questions arising under the contract to an expert and which contains a number of ancillary provisions .
10 The same is true where harmonic colour is to be a prominent feature of the music .
11 Where a cloth or other equipment is to be used for applying disinfectants it should be disinfected before use .
12 The hard core of Marx 's historical materialism would be the assumption that social change is to be explained in terms of class struggle , the nature of the classes and the details of the struggle being determined in the last instance by the economic base .
13 The Eleventh Plenum of the Comintern , early in 1931 , made it clear that social democracy was to be regarded as the main enemy .
14 " Whatever subject or age group you teach , there will be plenty of resources to help you cope with the demands of the National Curriculum , especially now that environmental education is to be an important cross-curricular theme , " says Peter Martin , WWF Senior Education Officer .
15 In Roslavl' during March and April it was frequently noted that the public believed that ecclesiastical gold was to be handed over to the Jews .
16 The fallacy that secondary impotence is to be expected as the male ages is probably more firmly entrenched in our culture than any other misapprehension .
17 The use of definite reference and third person pronoun signal that shared knowledge is to be engaged , that is to say , that contextual information is needed which is not abstracted in the codified forms of grammar .
18 But it should be made clear that educational excellence is to be found in the comprehensive schools of the State system , and indeed that these schools should take the lead both in educational experiment and in the democratizing of education as a whole .
19 Notwithstanding this provision , it is often of some reassurance to a purchaser from the husband if the wife is joined as a party to the contract or to a separate consent to sale form ; this confirms that she knows that vacant possession is to be given and the land charge is to be cancelled and can contain a specific release by the wife of her rights in the property as from the date of sale .
20 In Nigeria federal authority is very naturally devolved to state ministries , but these are larger in size and population than many sovereign African states , so it is within states as well as within smaller nations that true devolution is to be sought .
21 A change of scene both from lakeside and historic town is to be had by leaving Schwyz on the road which ascends southward into the valley of the Muota ( the river which enters the lake just west of Brunnen ) .
22 The 1949 Act established four goals for the national parks : ( 1 ) the characteristic landscape beauty was to be strictly preserved ; ( 2 ) there was to be access and facilities for public open-air enjoyment ; ( 3 ) wildlife and buildings and places of architectural and historic interest were to be suitably protected ; and ( 4 ) established farming use was to be effectively maintained .
23 Fascism resulted from the frustration with , and alienation from , a system in which politicians were obsessed with the conventions of party politics to the detriment of the need for radical change ( highlighted by the First World War ) ; and radical change was vital if Britain 's accelerated economic and political decline was to be reversed .
24 If effective civil and political citizenship were to be enjoyed in Britain , then the citizen must be emancipated from the obsessive secrecy of government and the extraordinarily clumsy device of having to appeal for the protection of his or her rights to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg .
25 If private property is to be legitimate within the framework of a liberal society it is also necessary to show that there are constraints which prevent it from becoming a source of power which threatens the liberty of the individual or rivals the power of the state .
26 Private property and freedom are not uniquely connected in the way that Hayek suggests , therefore , and if private property is to be justified in terms of freedom some further argument is required that the dispersal theory does not supply .
27 It is , indeed , at this very point that the movement to advance the status of " English " in education must be situated if its particular history as a cultural and administrative form is to be understood .
28 the need for incentives was accepted if economic growth was to be attained .
29 If unnecessary development is to be avoided , the principle must be sustainability — making full use of the existing housing stock for the needs of local people .
30 As agreed in December 1989 and June 1990 an intergovernmental conference on economic and monetary union was to be held on Dec. 13 , 1990 [ see pp. 37131 ; 37520 ] .
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