Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible that Tolkien thought of The Lord of the Rings in the same way .
2 Conceivably connected too is the possibility that Æthelred took as a consort the daughter of a Northumbrian earl , Thored , maybe to mollify such of the northerners as had supported him .
3 Salads , quiches , baked potatoes , cheese and bread covered the table ; bowls of taramosalata , smoked mackerel pâté and humous stood on the worktops ; a casserole simmered on the stove .
4 Thousands of them looked down now as something round and shiny drifted around the Earth .
5 The detail of planning legislation by and large fell to a number of able officials who had a remarkably free hand .
6 All efforts to appear polite and subdued went by the board .
7 Thoughts of being stranded and stormbound drifted between the dreams .
8 Boyden and Handy arrived on the scene just as this was beginning to happen .
9 When Behbehanian arrived at the hotel in Aswan , he was shown into the Shah 's suite .
10 Between February 1950 ( when the electorate returned the Labour Government with a barely adequate majority ) and October 1951 ( when Labour went to the polls again and were defeated ) , the confidence and authority of Gaitskell , as of his Government , withered .
11 But when Soapy went into the restaurant , the waiter saw Soapy 's dirty old trousers and terrible shoes .
12 She was dark , petite and soignée , and her smile , though warm , held a hint of reproof , as Sabine came to a halt , gasping , her hand pressed to her side .
13 As Sabine emerged from the bedroom , she found Marie-Christine standing in the empty salon , staring round her .
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