Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [conj] she [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 However thirty-six hours before she died she telephoned for some of us to visit ; she knew we had all been worried and concerned but she had it all under control .
2 He went off bewildered and hurt and she knew it was quite likely he would seek solace elsewhere .
3 To Jane , though , it was precious and priceless and she wore it always .
4 He was waiting for her to open the conversation , but his manner was so cold and distant that she found it difficult to begin .
5 It had been a minuscule movement , but unbelievable as she found it , it had definitely been there .
6 She knew that , as long as she applied it with care , she had great power over Bernard .
7 You can give her what she wants as long as she puts it down on the as long it 's over fifty you can give her what you want .
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