Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [conj] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although castellated and towered at the front , the Castle is in fact a perfectly ordinary farmhouse behind the façade , and its rear elevation is plain and workmanlike .
2 As I panted into Stranraer Gardens , following the no-hopers rule for cross-country — never run in a straight line — I was flailing my arms left and right and zigzagging at an angle of about ten degrees to the horizontal .
3 When he shows a film or summat his room 's like a little cinema — you know , people sitting round watching the telly in the dark , and smoking and laughing at the funny bits and that .
4 And then the monster looked very hurt and sad and stared at the floor .
5 ‘ But the men were many and clever and shot at the eagles with arrows , and trapped them in nets and put them to death , one after another .
6 During the silent era , projection speeds , also initially hand-cranked , tended to keep slightly ahead of shooting speeds ( a 1920s Hollywood film , tolerable at 24 fps , may look laboured and slow if run at the — actually amateur — ‘ silent ’ speed of 16 fps ) .
7 The fog was yellow and acrid and bit at the back of the throat like acid .
8 We believe that every asylum seeker , whether in-country or arriving at the ports , should have access to good free legal advice .
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