Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [adj] [noun] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Examples are to be found in , for example , the textile industry , where commercial acrylic fibres differ considerably from one another although they are all nominally polyacrylonitrile .
2 Black or white tri-laminate scratchplates come as standard , but these can be changed for a much more interesting and fashionable pearloid affair which , for some strange reason , costs a touch more .
3 Personal narratives or short autobiographical pieces function organisationally in much the same way as fictional narratives , except that the writer is constrained by existential rather than imagined events .
4 It is therefore most unlikely that present-day stigmatized forms have always been stigmatized , or that present-day elite forms have always been elite .
5 Both proponents and protesters are right to present their views and it is incumbent on politicians to ensure that adequate regulatory controls provide as large a degree of environmental protection as is possible when dealing with the relatively unknown .
6 Yet an overview of practice suggests that different political philosophies mould very different approaches to educational integration .
7 Arbiter theorists also recognize that liberal democratic states vary greatly in their internal organization between federal and unitary forms .
8 Thus , even if we assume that a significant proportion are well supported either by relatives or by services purchased with their own money , it is highly probable that personal social services see only the tip of an iceberg of unmet needs .
9 I do want to claim , however , that the sociological analysis above shows that postmodern cultural objects signify differently than do modernist cultural objects .
10 In what follows I shall claim that postmodern cultural forms do indeed signify , only that they signify differently .
11 Yet despite their insistence on a new form of human experience ( one which is curiously reminiscent of the early sociologists ' insistence that late nineteenth and early twentieth societies were emerging into a new society which was leaving behind gemeinschaft relations of blood and community ) it is somewhat surprising to find that contemporary postmodern theorists give only schematic attention to human consciousness and agency .
12 This means that large fibrous structures form near T m , whereas greater numbers of small spherulites grow at lower temperatures .
13 If dividends are insignificant as Modigliani and Miller have suggested , then this requires that corporate financial officers act irrationally .
14 It is hardly surprising that present educational systems contribute little to resolving the problems of DRAs .
15 It is also crucial that vulnerable young girls understand clearly that having a child at sixteen does not usually result in getting a passport to new-found freedom .
16 In fact , it is only too evident that major political changes have very often resulted from violence , not only in revolutions and counter-revolutions , but also in wars of conquest or of national independence .
17 Perhaps the almost doubled entrance prices coupled with the knowledge that big international games lie ahead contributed to the poor show .
18 Agfa 's Rodinal falls into this category , although at 100 years old it is positively ancient and not modern , but it nevertheless has many qualities that other modern developers have only just caught up with .
19 At first , however , most geneticists joined De Vries and Bateson in assuming that new genetic characters appear suddenly by saltation .
20 Despite the fact that dichotic listening techniques have often been adopted without proper validation , findings which show a difference in the direction and/or magnitude of ear asymmetry between groups of right and left ( or non-right ) handed subjects have been taken as indicating a difference in direction or magnitude of cerebral lateralisation .
21 This means that local weekly papers vary tremendously in the size of their circulation and therefore in the size of their income and their staff .
22 Although senior Digital executives have never confirmed the choice is between the two plants , it is expected that the company , in the current economic climate , will opt for keeping a manufacturing facility at only one of the factories , which would have serious economic and social consequences for the plant coming off worse .
23 Health services and personal social services come under four appointed boards .
24 These things can happen on the smallest scale — within one family , when a husband treats his wife as a breeding machine — or on a national or international scale , when entire ‘ populations ’ come under pressure from the planners , and individual human rights become as invisible as the individual people the word ‘ population ’ conveniently obscures .
25 These things can happen on the smallest scale — within one family , when a husband treats his wife as a breeding machine — or on a national or international scale , when entire ‘ populations ’ come under pressure from the planners , and individual human rights become as invisible as the individual human people the word ‘ population ’ conveniently obscures .
26 In practice the major use of such agreements has been in the sphere of highway maintenance and construction , where old county boroughs and large urban districts have invariably continued to provide the service on behalf of their county council .
27 Some filter-feeders like the scallops do manage to travel : they clap their valves together convulsively and so make curving leaps , but by and large adult bivalves live rather static lives and the spreading of the species into distant parts of the sea bed is carried out by the young .
28 General statements that investment appraisals should include data on , for example , product enhancement , diversification , risk reduction and increased internal benefits do little more than say that something new is needed .
29 As has been said elsewhere in this book athletics reflects the society in which it exists and the experiences of Linford , his family and black British athletes mirror exactly those of the majority of black British citizens .
30 Electric fences around sensitive areas and electrified human dummies have also had some effect , apparently warding off marauding tigers .
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