Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each of these six departments had two or three clerks or junior clerks to assist them in the work .
2 It could be simply a difference of opinion where conflicting views bring us to an impasse .
3 More practically , it is probably one reason why the E. coli of distant lands , where different diets provide it with significantly distinct primary habitats , are apt to give the intrepid traveller diarrhoea .
4 This would not apply , for instance , to reference use of the library , where public use qualifies us for a discount on book purchases , but would apply for , say , postal loans of slides , commercial enquiries , online searches , photocopies and so on , where such services would use staff time and involve paying for resources which we would not otherwise have to buy in .
5 Persia , Mesopotamia and Egypt remain more or less where Hellenistic erudition put them as the holders of barbarian wisdom .
6 But from when she had been sixteen and had left the Dame School and stepped right into the home life above the shop , it had been borne into her that marriage was a humdrum affair : two people lived together , apparently happy , yet went their own ways , as shown by her parents ; they did n't think alike , yet they did n't argue ; they never laughed at the same things , nor did local or national events affect them in the same way .
7 Looking for a house or flat means taking lots of details from estate agents and viewing properties if they take your fancy .
8 They would be grateful for anyone who has photographs , correspondence , or just memories to contact them at :
9 Every so often , and it 's not often enough , we at Guitarist Mansions get a review guitar through the post which is well-built , reasonably priced , nicely styled and which does what it says it does , with no design gimmickry , cheap glitter or high-falutin' bumph claiming it to be a ‘ sound revolution ’ , or some equally laughable piece of flannel .
10 One typical story recalled the fate of the apocryphal Lupescu , who was the alleged inventor of several scurrilous stories with the Comrade as their butt and who was supposed to supplement his income with hard currency or Western cigarettes given him by his appreciative audience .
11 In November 1941 they became 101 Troop of 6 Commando , with Lieutenant Smith in command , and were attached to the naval shore base HMS Lynx , from which they operated , with MTBs , submarines , or other carriers taking them to the area of their target beaches .
12 Discrimination against people on the grounds of ‘ non-normal ’ bodies or intellectual capacity places them outside the mainstream of social life .
13 Junker resistance to the abolition of serfdom , their mistrust of the new powers of industry and their blank incomprehension when faced with the idea that their estates could be run more profitably on other than feudal lines set them on a course that was to have a profound impact on German history .
14 He said in one interview that public honours meant nothing to him until his marriage but , even so , the mist of respectability now clung about him always .
15 Notwithstanding the fact that , according to the document , The Future Value of our Qualification , issued at the same time as the Manifesto , the Institute believes that chartered accountants want it to ‘ safeguard the reputation of the profession and to enhance the value of their qualification ’ and ‘ to concentrate on helping them succeed professionally ’ , at the present time practising members are concerned primarily with their practices ' cash flow and profitability , and the threat of litigation .
16 It was only then that Old Red noticed me in the car .
17 A survey I carried out in Brighton last summer indicated that unemployed men report themselves to be much less satisfied with their lives than do employed men .
18 Yet regimes in the Arab world , like governments elsewhere , ultimately depend on popular toleration rather than simple repression to maintain themselves in power .
19 But as I said , I 've decided that human beings adjust themselves to any environment to which there is no alternative , and human life in here is the same as in the world outside , for which also there is no alternative .
20 For instance , coin and currency were always in short supply in the colonies and the British government in a mood of less than salutary neglect did nothing about it , so colonies sometimes passed laws to make bills of exchange into legal tender .
21 The idea of using frames in a word processor is , perhaps , a little novel , although Ami Professional uses them for graphics and tables .
22 In other words , the proposed research should enable us to discover whether the dark figure of crime is even larger than self-report studies reveal it to be .
23 Indeed , multiproduct companies will normally have a variety of means open to them for breaking even on their operation , some of which may be approximately equally efficient , so that governmental intervention to choose one amongst them , something facilitated by state ownership , is not necessarily inefficient .
24 Bruce Kent , chair of CND , was cheered when he declared his belief that nuclear weapons did nothing for Britain 's security .
25 Popay and Jones ( 1990 ) , analysing General Household Survey data , found that lone parents report themselves to be in poorer health more than parents in couples ; and that more lone mothers report poorer health than lone fathers ( see also Hilary Graham 's chapter here ) .
26 I was arguing that gay people have nothing to be ashamed of and yet my troops remained invisible as though they needed convincing too .
27 James argued here that abstract rules provide us with only limited assistance in arriving at moral decisions because ‘ every real dilemma is in literal strictness a unique situation ’ .
28 In Escape from Childhood ( 1974 ) , John Holt notes that children are , in fact , capable of a great deal more than modern society allows them to be .
29 Informal discussions with Afro-Caribbean pupils indicated that the pupils felt that certain teachers disrespect them on the basis of their ethnicity and that for these pupils the pupil-teacher relationship was based on conflict , with the pupils attempting to play the teachers at their own ‘ game ’ in order to survive .
30 We close with a cautionary note : one should bear in mind that a source of potential confusion always present is the fact that certain verbs lend themselves to occurrence with more than one type of adjectival construction , and to illustrate let us observe that any of the following , with their different modes of interpretation , are fully acceptable sentences of English : ( 72 ) Mackay preferred the picture stolen ( postnominal attributive ) ( 73 ) Shelagh prefers her holidays adventurous ( predicate qualifier ) ( 74 ) we prefer the king ( to be ) beheaded ( clausal )
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