Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun prp] [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is relevant to note that the RSPB recently reported that some managers of grouse moors were deliberately killing one of Britain 's rarest birds of prey — the Hen Harrier .
2 It 's none of my business — but I would stress that the IRA never requested that I buy any such items for them . ’
3 While the Romans are described as being tributary , it seems that the lands which had originally been granted to free-born Franks had been exempt from tax , and that the Franks subsequently assumed that any lands which they came to hold were similarly exempt .
4 Leaders and officials of parties other than the NPN nevertheless complain that it does not give them fair treatment .
5 Although the CEGB immediately denied that there had been any unreported incident at the power station , the effect of the health authority report was electric .
6 Most of the 800 named by the commission were wanted by Yugoslavia , and the FO secretly acknowledged that it had an excellent case .
7 Eventually , on June 12 , the RPR and the UDF also agreed that a joint presidential candidate would be selected by holding primaries [ see p. 38299 ] .
8 The average age of spectators at Frankfurt Galaxy matches was 24 and the NFL obviously believes that young people here will show the same enthusiasm for American sport that they do for fast food , clothes and records .
9 Both the UK and the USA subsequently announced that they would cease all CFC production by the end of 1995 — five years earlier than the date agreed in the Montreal Protocol [ see ED no 35/36 ] .
10 The DYP and the SHP both argued that the President had exceeded his constitutional powers in his policy-making ; some Cabinet ministers claimed in February 1991 that they had not been kept informed of Özal 's decision-making over coalition forces operating from Turkish bases .
11 Both the head and the DCSL freely acknowledged that these developments were undertaken in the light of knowledge that a library project existed , and that schools might stand a better chance of securing a grant if they could show evidence of commitment to enhanced library provision .
12 Perhaps the terms of reference were slightly vague , but the NZRFU probably considered that their lads deserved a break , and so gave general permission for the expedition to Italy .
13 Hectic trading in which 3.1 million shares — worth £8million — changed hands was followed by a retreat to 238p when the Barclays vehemently denied that they held any shares in Williams .
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