Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun pl] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gerber , with 19 international tries in 24 Tests , is considering retirement when he returns to the Republic , insisting : ‘ When you are 24 your mistakes are forgiven , but when you are my age every game has to be excellent or the critics give you a difficult time .
2 The comments and questions with which Ace and Daak interrupted the Professor 's story did n't annoy Defries : she found that the breaks gave her the time she needed to stretch her credulity .
3 ( Act 1 scene 3 ) And , only three lines after this , the theme of belief in the power of evil is shown by Macbeth when he says that the witches gave him the Thanehood when it was actually the king .
4 Many of the coarse fish are spawning in the vegetation at the side of the waterways from February through to July and April is the first full month that the fishermen give them the peace and quiet to do this .
5 Although the polls give him the lowest performance rating of any post-war leader , Mr Major doubted there would be a challenge this year .
6 We 're all really close to each other , so if the lads give me a good track with some good bits that turn me on , I want to do well for them , I wan na get some lyrics out they 'd like .
7 Once the superbike race was over McCallen presented himself again for examination and the doctors gave him the all clear for the Regal 600cc race .
8 He liked to live in company with another ; Bo-Bo had only negative virtues but , he had to admit , he would be lonely when she died , and the doctors gave her no more than a year .
9 But the boots gave me a blister .
10 ‘ I found the last 20 minutes extremely hard but the lads gave me every encouragement and I am delighted , ’ he said .
11 Whereas the boys Give me the pie Get off my steps or something
12 When the forwards gave them the ball in the opening four tour wins they proved that with 13 tries .
13 At special stage 20 , the valiant 24-year-old Scot gunned his accelerator as the marshals gave him a five-second countdown .
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