Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun pl] [verb] be of " in BNC.

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1 a single prostitute who provides services in private premises to one client at a time without spectators is guilty of the common law offence of keeping a disorderly house if it is proved that the services provided are of such a character and are conducted in such a manner … that their provision amounts to an outrage of public decency or is otherwise calculated to harm the public interest to such an extent as to call for condemnation and punishment .
2 A nationwide study has revealed that the managers surveyed are of those Managers nearly 80% do n't take the holiday their entitled to .
3 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
4 Plastic lenses are lighter , an advantage if the lenses required are of high power , but with the disadvantage of scratching easily .
5 This observation is necessary not because the lines quoted are of great importance to her poetry , but to give a balanced view of her own conflicts as a domestic servant .
6 Its pleasingness rests purely within the intrinsic aesthetic since the similarities intended are of a purely visual nature .
7 When the signals involved are of low-enough frequency for reactive and other frequency-dependent effects to be negligible , the Z-parameters are given by the slopes of appropriate static characteristics at the operating bias levels .
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