Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nearby , you can visit the waterfall at Sillans where brave bathers plunge into the rocky pools or the caves at Villecroze once inhabited by monks .
2 The main reason for the relative quiet over Bill 86 may be that the French-speakers of Quebec no longer believe their language to be in serious peril .
3 Meanwhile detailed research in the British archives has revealed that the policy-makers in London down to 1945 ( and later ) were neither united in their interpretation of postwar Soviet intentions , nor single-mindedly intent upon the cultivation of the closest possible ties with the United States .
4 It is possible that the cattle of Brittany also have Viking and Cornish blood .
5 Although the villagers of Zubaydat significantly increased their productivity through the introduction of drip irrigation , they quickly found that their real problem lay with marketing .
6 As Christianity spread through the Roman Empire , so the stories of Jesus also spread .
7 Problems were more often solved when , after a day of hard , heated riding , the King repaired with his shrewdest advisers to the cool belvedere suspended over the castle 's north precipice , with its stupendous view to the sea , and the mountains of Asia beyond .
8 In the previous year , Central Office wished to promote Captain Edwards , the chief agent for Birmingham , to be a Central Office district agent , but they were thwarted by the Chamberlains , who wished to keep him to look after Birmingham ; Neville Chamberlain arranged to have Edwards paid enough in Birmingham to keep him there and the interests of Birmingham thus prevailed over those of the party as a whole .
9 The Corporation of London and the Merchants of London also marked George III 's Jubilee by donating £2,000 to The Thatched House Society .
10 This downward arc is also seen most noticeably in the Murcian , a Spanish breed , and the Shorthorns of Britain often have drooping horns as well .
11 Just like it does not allow us to sing an old song that was sung often , Show Me The Road And The Miles To Dundee perhaps that 's the song we should be singing just now in these particular circumstances and be it the day , maybe even in Portsmouth this particular day .
12 ‘ London may have faced the brunt of their criminal acts over the past few weeks but the attacks in Manchester clearly show that the IRA is prepared to strike anywhere , ’ he said .
13 Before the discoveries in Antarctica about 2100 individual meteorites were known worldwide .
14 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
15 The maintenance of United States practice was regarded as crucial for , as the plaintiffs in Aérospatiale shrilly asserted ,
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