Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] have never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , the position may be different if the party seeking to enforce the terms knows that the other has never had actual knowledge of them , since he can not then claim to reasonably believe that the other was agreeing to the terms .
2 HE insisted that the Church has never ruled that a priest should not have sex , only that he should not marry , ’ says Monika ( sic ) Kocanek by way of explaining how she ended up in bed with Fr Christopher O'Neill and then found herself pregnant .
3 A good reason then for thinking that it is not God 's will that women be ordained is that the church has never done so .
4 A second example of the conservative failure to consider cultural context and to relate theological belief to knowledge which we possess , is the contention that the church has never ordained women and can not have been wrong .
5 The buyer subsequently discovered that the wreck had never existed and that , indeed , neither had the reef !
6 The second suspect was a resident of Consett , but on the night in question his wife had given birth to their first child , and the doctor and the midwife both vouched for the fact that the man had never left the house after he came in from work at half-past five until he went to work the next morning , an hour after he had heard his son first cry .
7 He was certainly not purporting to compile a representative list of ‘ extra-hazardous ’ activities — though one of the fundamental problems about Rylands v. Fletcher is perhaps that the law has never made up its mind whether the rule is aimed at such activities .
8 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
9 It merely said that the president had never told it to question Kenya 's one-party system .
10 The Senate majority leader , George J. Mitchell , described the decision as a " historic vote " , noting that the Senate had never agreed to put any limits on nuclear testing before .
11 I learnt then from Jean-Claude that the property had never belonged to the family .
12 And the whole process is made as simultaneously agonising and amazing as it could be — you labour to give birth , that 's the right word all right , and it 's about as ghastly as possible and then at the end there 's this absolutely wonderful feeling , that the conspiracy has never hinted at , when you hold it and see it and you suddenly realise there 's a whole new emotion you did n't know anything about .
13 Giovanna , smiling as she left , said that the bambina had never stirred and she had taken the opportunity to do a pile of ironing .
14 William Waldegrave , the Health Secretary , announced on Feb. 17 that although the government had never accepted the argument for a general scheme of " no-fault " compensation for medical accidents , it had now agreed , at a cost of £12,000,000 , to extend compensation to the estimated 70-80 people who had been infected with the AIDS virus HIV as a result of National Health Service blood transfusions or tissue transfers in the UK .
15 Although the butler had never said or intimated anything untoward , Michael had grown up with prejudice long enough to recognize it for what it was .
16 The result is that women typically become ‘ equal ’ by having to do more , to stretch themselves to work as hard as a man , even when experiencing bodily processes that a male has never experienced .
17 She acted surprised , as if the idea had never crossed her mind .
18 I exclaimed , looking , sounding , and in fact feeling as if the idea had never crossed my mind .
19 If an accident happens as a result of driving which deviates from the proper standard , then that may well be a case of negligence even if the driver had never thought of the risk in that particular case , because the driver is presumed to know the Highway Code .
20 He has scented higher things — England ‘ B ’ v Pakistan and 12th man for the real McCoy against India , both in 1982 , his first full season — and if the aroma has never led to mouthfuls of fame ( due in part to a perceived shortage of confidence against high pace in his formative years ) he has been a staunch servant through thick and thin .
21 Then there was nothing but the river running wide and strong and dark and it was as if the highway had never existed .
22 With microwave ovens , Manila and the flu epidemic suddenly dominating the news it was as if the event had never occurred except in Sir Anthony Meyer 's imagination .
23 He was brusque , as if the moment had never happened .
24 The war years had certainly elevated their position , but this was to be only temporary , and at the end of the 17th Century women were as badly off as if the war had never happened , worse in fact because their position declined after the war .
25 It was as if the news had never come through at all .
26 You could have stolen another few minutes , ’ she said as if the evening had never happened .
27 The legislature has never had occasion to speak on this matter , and the issue has never come to court .
28 Fribble , still eating his cheese , said , ‘ And the legend has never said a legitimate child . ’
29 But cash from the sale of licensed goods , cosmetics , sunglasses and perfume like C'est La Vie , did not flood in and the company has never made a profit .
30 ‘ It has good ale , and the landlord has never cheated me yet . ’
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