Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] [noun pl] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Several studies have shown that the base pairs surrounding its GC-binding site affect the binding of actinomycin .
2 It is likely that the stem cells maintain their characteristic state by virtue of their position in the basal layer where they may be under the influence of a deeper layer of cells .
3 In 1967 , 79 per cent of firms knew the plan 's forecasts for the economy as a whole and 50 per cent ( 85 per cent of those with more than 5000 employees ) knew of the production and investment forecasts for their industry group ; 24 per cent ( 51 per cent of the biggest ) said that the plan forecasts affected their investment decisions .
4 To Robbie 's amazement the bitch , despite the fact that the minute claws kneading her dugs must be extremely painful , was tolerating the kitten 's presence .
5 Everyone has heard that the mustard giants make their money from the amount of the condiment that is left on the sides of our plates .
6 The studio thinks Vic 's a genius and gave him as much as they could until the insurance boys dug their heels in over big-name leads falling out of a canoe and then they went down the list and found a couple of guys the industry could afford to lose .
7 Left-wing means this : asking for a fair wage , joining a political organisation , refusing to go into the army or complaining if the security forces kill your husband and torture your sons .
8 He recalled his uncles , ‘ tall and solemn , ’ standing behind them , patting him on the shoulder affectionately ; neighbours and friends behind them , and the factory workers taking their own , lowlier places .
9 The Black Panthers used that gambit well , and the TV crews followed their presence .
10 Naturally , Richie Benaud and the home players took their full share of the credit , but it was Worrell who was hero number one .
11 After ploughing and reseeding , it takes some years for the soil to recover its stable structure , and the grass roots to develop their full strength .
12 The following season he was back at the Festival as favourite for the Gold Cup , but soft going and the distance of three and a quarter miles proved his undoing , and he finished fifth .
13 THE 20-storey building has been reduced to rubble , newsprint supplies are fast running out , there is very little electricity , communications are almost non-existent and every day journalists risk their lives getting the news into , and out of , Oslobodjenje .
14 But the Telethon organisers say her view is only a minority one .
15 But the opposition parties demanded their return , and the king had to promise that they would not be used except defensively , not even to eject Iraq from Kuwait .
16 However , because the village newcomers possess their own cars , the reversal in the decline in rural population has not been accompanied by a revival of public transport .
17 By dawn the trench would probably be little more than eighteen inches deep , but it had to be occupied all day , while the enemy gunners resumed their work of levelling .
18 A limited marine transgression in the Roman period caused the formation of salt marsh in the northern part of the Fens , while the Fen rivers aggraded their courses and built up levees of silt .
19 It can be seen that the ‘ developing ’ European nations of Spain , Portugal and Greece are continuing to attract an increased volume of Scottish exports whilst the Commonwealth countries continue their recent decline in importance .
20 Often many years elapsed before the village farmers built their new houses , however inconvenient it may have been to live in the centre of the parish and to farm on the boundaries .
21 Or it may set the direction of a programme of research , as when the Gestalt psychologists extended their primarily visual concept of ‘ insight ’ into a gestalt ( literally ‘ shape ’ ) from perception to thinking .
22 Where clients were already in an institution , or about to be admitted , when the development officers received their names as referrals , they generally accepted that there was little the Home Support Project could do .
23 The heavy lunch and the wine had made her sleepy , and she took to her bed the minute they returned , only awakening when the hunger pangs assaulted her stomach , to see that she had been asleep for over three hours .
24 So when the market women sold their products , they would make a habit of slipping one of our leaflets into the bag of goods .
25 For documents with a more substantial information or evidential content , as the usage rates fall our record may be moved offline , but the retrieval and control information about it will remain accessible online in summary form .
26 They will do so ever more loudly as the organ attempts to drown their noise .
27 Dublin has certainly become the new hero on the terraces , as the travelling fans chanted his name at the end .
28 When a company issues warrants its only obligation is to issue shares at a fixed price , if so required by the holder .
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