Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In direct response advertising , an increase in coupon replies , or sales , or the value of sales per coupon , is a valid objective : in retailers ' advertising , an increase in customer numbers ( 'footfall' ) is equally valid . )
2 Is the movement of such metalwork carried out by the manufacturer at all , as opposed to the purchaser or wearer , for instance as gifts or the movement of people in marriage ?
3 Perhaps he only wanted a cigarette , or a couple of bob for the meter .
4 Various fund-raising events throughout the year finance a Christmas party , and give a gift , such a box of groceries or a basket of fruit to every pensioner in the village .
5 Something else the organizers have to consider is the Princess will never skip a bed in a hospital ward , or a group of people in a room .
6 Premier League chairman Sir John Quinton , who will also attend the talks , made ‘ final offer ’ noises last Friday when Taylor rejected a deal that would have given the PFA 5pc or a minimum of £1m from future revenue .
7 Community groups in many parts of the country have trained staff who will install insulation and fit draughtproofing at little or no cost for people on low incomes .
8 Immediately the generosity of people within Orkney and much further afield became apparent .
9 But this measures the impact of the new sugar industry less than the fact that the acreage under sugar-beet in the Bohemian countryside had multiplied more than twentyfold between 1853–4 ( 4,800 hectares ) and 1872–3 ( 123,800 hectares ) .
10 The scientists warn that the lack of data on humans , the wide variety of potential genetic effects , coupled with the sheer number of genes involved ( 10 000 for each human sex cell ) make it impracticable to try and assess the impact of chemical mutagens beyond the most important mutations in the first six generations .
11 In my judgment the fallacy behind this submission lies in the fact that the principle of A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 and the other cases cited relate to the law as it was before the substantial changes introduced by the Act .
12 A consistent finding of both official and independent research is that the majority of people with disabilities are over retirement age .
13 I have concentrated on mortgage arrears and repossessions above , but it 's worth remembering that the HBAI report reminds us that the majority of people in the lowest 10% rely on rented accommodation .
14 Now when interest charges fall , the person who is buying the house benefits from the reduction in interest charges , but the person who is renting a house in local authority and then in this case nobody , nobody else in Harlow to rent it from , is faced with , not with a decreased monthly rental , but with an ever increasing one because as more and more Council houses are sold the cost of maintaining that there , the superstructure of the town , the cost of maintaining Council houses goes on increasing and so the burden is laid on the tenants and the tenant can find , will find himself that pound for pound increasing his rent while the house owner is decreasing his mortgage charges and at the end of the day the tenant is paying increased rent , increased rate and with nothing to show for it , erm , I 've always been in favour of a sale , of , of property er owner occupiers , but not at the expense of the people who can not afford to be owner occupiers , ah , to my mind , the present housing system is designed to maintain the existing class structure because even with the large discounts that one gets and nobody 's ever yet convinced me that why you should get a discount because you buy a Council house , but if you buy one privately owned you ca n't get a discount and it , there 's , this , this is so utter nonsense , but it is throwing a much heavier burden every time a house is sold on the remaining houses which are for rent , and so you that , although the idea is to make it a classless this society with more and more people owning their own properties the mo the mere fact that the majority of people in the town can not afford to buy even the reduced priced Council house , is an example that the , the system , the class system a division by income still exists .
15 Er I mean , I I would say that the majority of people in this office , carry a lot of erm anxiety and pressure home with them .
16 The outcome of the strike and its immediate consequences was that for almost the first time many people , including politicians in the Republic , who had previously been unconvinced were now satisfied that the majority of people in Northern Ireland would not accept a united Ireland and wished to have another election before their future was again discussed .
17 I saw the report to which my hon. Friend referred and I am not at all surprised that the Opposition tried to shout him down , for the simple fact is that the report revealed that the majority of people in this country recognise that the Labour party has now promised to increase spending on just about everything under the sun , which would mean higher borrowing , higher inflation and much higher taxes .
18 Unbelievably , I discovered tonight that the majority of people in disability categories 9 and 10 fail to claim attendance or mobility allowance .
19 Similarly , I have written against the idea that the interpretation of works of art can be completely subjective .
20 which is such that the proportion of people of the victim 's racial group who can comply is considerably smaller than the proportion of the people not of that group who can comply ;
21 Our concern is that the availability of data from the new census , together with the increase in access to computers since the last census , is likely to lead to a veritable orgy of statistical analysis , and , if the past is a reliable guide to the future , this analysis will obscure rather than illuminate fundamental issues in resource allocation .
22 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
23 At Canterbury the students were given very little direct teaching about other faiths , and what there was seemed designed to show that Christianity was the only true religion and that the fate of people of other religions was to be absorbed in a triumphalist Church .
24 Where it is unreasonable assume that sales in period t+1 will be the same as at time t ( the present ) , or that the increase/decrease in sales over period t to t+1 will be the same as during the period t-1 to t , a moving average may be calculated .
25 The effect of this lenience was that the yield of 4s. in the pound on landed incomes and 2s. 8d. on goods actually fell during Elizabeth 's reign — a period of rising prices and of growing prosperity for the propertied classes — from about £140,000 at the beginning of the reign to about £85,000 at the end .
26 To say that the concentration of people in cities was ‘ the most remarkable social phenomenon of the present century ’ was to state the obvious .
27 He added that , in the meanwhile , DK had entered a number of new geographical markets , including Taiwan , Korea , Thailand , India , Argentina , Mexico and the Middle East ; and that the decline in sales of children 's books was offset by the very strong growth in adult titles .
28 The bank was instructed that the sum of £20,000 from the deposit account was now held by the assignee , who was described as ‘ the purchaser , ’ and that he should now be identified by the bank ‘ as a depositor . ’
29 Stirling was told that the army was about to launch an attack and that the destruction of aircraft on the forward landing fields was vital .
30 Although the Cuban Government reports that the number of people with AIDS is shrinking , they have produced no evidence to support this claim .
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