Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] [be] to be " in BNC.

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1 Once the request and the particulars of claim have been filed and the appropriate fee paid , the district judge must enter a plaint in the court record and , for a fixed date action , fix a return day on which the pre-trial review is to take place or the action is to be heard .
2 Move the cursor to the character space where the text is to be inserted .
3 Is n't that where the music is to be ? ’
4 Where the case is to be tried by a jury in the crown court , the judge should decide at a pre-trial hearing whether to admit the video as evidence .
5 The hearse took her to St Paul 's churchyard where the service was to be held .
6 Technically , the Act does not oblige the person imposing the conditions to specify which of the alternative grounds he relies upon for his authority to do so , although where the event is to be held in the future , the directions given by the chief of police must be in writing .
7 The protein part of the LDL reacts with another protein in the membrane of the tissue , where the cholesterol is to be off-loaded , rather like a key fitting into a lock .
8 Mark carefully where the pipe is to be bent : do not attempt to make more than one bend at a time without checking
9 The pathologist had finished with Maurice 's body , which now lay in a chapel of rest in Maidenhead , awaiting a decision on when and where the funeral was to be held .
10 Where the writ is to be served in a Hague Convention country the writ may be served under this rule through the Central Authority of that country or , if the law of that country permits , through the judicial authorities of that country or through a British consular authority there .
11 Rule 2.3 stipulates that where the offer is to be recommended , an alternative ( if the target is listed ) to an announcement is to obtain a temporary suspension from listing followed by an announcement .
12 It is he who is making arrangements with the Transkei government to decide when and where the house is to be built .
13 The British sent troops to defend the Abadan refinery and made a secret deal with the Russians whereby at the end of the war the Russians would have control of Istanbul and the Dardanelles , and Iran would be divided between them , the Russians in the North , the British in the South , and the British influential in the " neutral " zone , where the oil was to be founded .
14 UTOPIA and NUMEROSO are camping on a deserted airfield where the city is to be built .
15 Where the property is to be transferred subject to a mortgage , or where a new mortgage is to be created , it will be necessary to obtain consents to such transactions from any occupants of the property aged eighteen years or over ( following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) .
16 The Board has decided to change the rules to require duty solicitors to attend the police station where a suspect is to be questioned about an arrestable offence , when an identity parade is to be held , or the suspect complains of serious maltreatment by the police ; unless the solicitor can show exceptional circumstances justifying non-attendance .
17 Where a document is to be served by a bailiff , the proper officer of the bailiff 's court shall , if so requested , take such steps as may be necessary to provide evidence on which an order for substituted service may be made ( Ord 7 , r 8(2) ) .
18 The remainder each had ten sentences with a line underneath where a continuation was to be written .
19 A condition of payment into court is often imposed where a judgment is to be set aside but other terms and conditions are imposed sparingly .
20 Thus , where a group is to be set up , the range of different structural possibilities needs to be outlined so that the school can decide on the structure that may best meet its needs .
21 Where a product is to be marketed in export markets which have high temperatures and/or high humidities , or both , prediction of shelf-life is more difficult .
22 Similarly , where an act is to be done " within X days " of an event , the date of the event which starts the period is excluded .
23 where an item is to be commercially reproduced this will come within design right protection or registered design right protection , and this should be checked .
24 I did hear him moving around but when I woke up later neither he nor the redhead was to be seen .
25 Neither Theodora nor the script were to be seen .
26 As an alternative to restrictive covenants ( eg the buyer may build only one single-storey dwelling on the land hereby agreed to be sold ) , there may be positive covenants that the buyer is to be required to observe ( eg the buyer must erect a larchlap fence on the length of the left-hand boundary of the property ) .
27 Now that the grant 's to be cut by £200,000 at least 5 jobs will have to go .
28 Knowing that the evocation is to be worked at .
29 Mr. Stewart and Mr. James Cowan and that the Subject was to be Republic versus Monarchy … after which all the Members present took part in the discussion and on the vote being taken Eleven voted for Monarchy and Five for Republic . "
30 9 – ( 1 ) Where there is an agreement to sell goods on the terms that the price is to be fixed by the valuation of a third party , and he can not or does not make the valuation , the agreement is avoided ; but if the goods or any part of them have been delivered to and appropriated by the buyer he must pay a reasonable price for them .
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