Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the number [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Both the official and non-official élites believed that many charges were not true , but there was no agreement about the proportion of false cases , or about the number of crimes which were never reported .
2 Does the Secretary of State accept that the debate on Trident in Scotland is not on whether we should have three or four boats or on the number of warheads per missile but on whether we should proceed with expenditure which , over its lifetime , could amount to £23,000 million on a useless , dangerous military white elephant ?
3 There is nothing particularly unusual about Doctor Faustus 's early stage and printing history , except for the number of editions .
4 Note that as the number of users specified at this keyword increases so does the USER DETAILS data transfer time and the response time of the USER DETAILS related views .
5 Note that as the number of users specified at this keyword increases so does the MODULE DETAILS data transfer time and the response time of the MODULE DETAILS related views .
6 Note that as the number of users specified at this keyword increases so does the DC DETAILS data transfer time and the response time of the DC DETAILS related views .
7 Second , three of the variables incorporated into it have negative signs , indicating that as the number of pixels of these types increases , so population decreases .
8 In addition it was found that as the number of choices which could be made , when choosing the cards , increased by a factor of 2 ( another bit of information was required ) , the time required for the brain to make this choice increased at a constant rate .
9 In the second experiment , again , it was found that as the number of digits in the memory set increased the time which the brain required before making a correct response increased almost linearly .
10 Yorke who popularised the new architecture in Britain , foresaw that as the number of servants declined , and the price of domestic machinery fell , there would be a greater convergence between working class and middle class households .
11 In the first experiment , we saw that as the number of possibilities in which the cards may be sorted increases , the reaction time required increases proportionally .
12 However , the Department ( of Education and Science ) had little information about the working of the Act in this phase of education and offered no information about the numbers of children who may be receiving special education under the age of five nor of the number of children who might be the subject of statements below school age .
13 In other words , your horse 's coat is a reflection more of his health and diet than of the number of hours his owner spends with a body brush .
14 The inter-establishment variation in relative wages will be analysed as will be the decomposition of the differential in weekly pay into that in hourly pay and that in the number of hours worked per week .
15 She was exhausted ; more so because of the alarmed way she had sprung out of reach whenever Guy had become restless , than from the number of times she had sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever .
16 The main change concerned repeat fees which are now based on the audience , measured in TVRs , for each commercial , rather than on the number of times it is shown .
17 My hon. Friend should be aware how much we welcome his statement and that of the Secretary of State , which concentrate on how children are taught in schools rather than on the number of teachers employed .
18 And as the number of women appointed to the judiciary increases , we feel certain that the definition developed will be in the best interests of the victim ’
19 Similarly , studies of the international transfer of technology by multinational firms find that transfer costs ( and times ) vary inversely with the amount of host country R&D , its manufacturing experience , and with the number of projects already transferred to the host country ( see Mansfield et al. , 1982 , and Teece , 1977 ) .
20 There are consequently variations in the quality and availability of reading material in school and out and in the number of teachers who can speak the language and teach in it .
21 The Service also reports an increase both in the number of reports of criminal offences by Official Receivers , and in the number of directors convicted .
22 Each smaller work group attempts to perform better than their rival groups in both quality control and in the number of suggestions they offer to improve productivity .
23 What makes the difference between these reports and our study , however , is the fact that we clearly divided patients with gastrooesophageal reflux from those with endoscopic oesophagitis into different degrees or categories and in the number of patients evaluated , which is less than 50 in all these studies .
24 Agency new business increased in value and in the number of appointments in 1991 for the third consecutive year , according to the New Business Monitor compiled by Anthony Rau & Associates .
25 In spite of the limitations imposed by TV 's greed for bandwidth , the past 15 years have seen considerable developments in the shape of the TV business and in the number of channels available to viewers with the right equipment .
26 The quality of the display produced by a graphics terminal depends upon the horizontal and vertical resolution of the screen , expressed as the number of phosphor dots in the two directions , and on the number of colours that can be simultaneously displayed .
27 Right from the very start it will help if you can decide at least on the number of main meals you will have each day and on the number of snacks , if any .
28 Project grants , under regional selective assistance schemes , are based on the fixed capital costs of a project and on the number of jobs created or safeguarded .
29 ‘ We congratulate Miss Edis on being one of the pioneers in this country ’ said the journal The Amateur Photographer and Photography 1992 , without referring to her sex and to the number of women cinematographers there actually were in this period .
30 This condition can relate to the value of the properties carried by the events and to the number of occurrences of the events .
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