Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] a [noun] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 The mere replacement of productive capacity means in reality , however , that during a depression there will be an increase in the demand for consumer goods .
2 Even when Douglas asserts that as a researcher she will inevitably influence her research findings , she mentions that this happens ‘ in sub-atomic physics ’ too ( 1986 : 29 ) .
3 See your supervisor as a facilitator or notional " editor " /adviser of your work , rather than as a teacher who will inform you , or as an authority .
4 It 's hoped that within a year there 'll be forecasts of when the danger is at its height .
5 I I would simply say that I think it does deserve maximum weight because I you will not be surprised to hear , er take the same view as Mr from Leeds City Council , that under no circumstances should the the settlement be located anywhere other than in a location which will serve York and not Leeds .
6 Unit general manager Moira Britton said : ‘ Patients are central to our health care services and as a trust we will be able to manage and organise our services in a more flexible way to meet the individual health needs of our patients . ’
7 Mrs Moira Britton , unit general manager , said : ‘ Patients are central to our health care services and as a trust we will be able to manage and organise our services in a more flexible way to meet the individual health needs of our patients . ’
8 But , as I said , some hinds will have , er some er stags will have no hinds at all , they wo n't manage any matings , and as a result they 'll have no reproduction success .
9 If you 're not a member of the club and you 're not accepted the rituals and people do n't like you , they wo n't tell you and as a result you wo n't be an effective hunter , you wo n't be able to support many wives even if you wanted them and if you have wives what they needed , because if a man does n't feed his wives they , they , they all eventually get up and go , they 'll say two fingers you know , you ca n't feed us .
10 Britain needs chemists as much as it needs doctors and as a result there will be high employment prospects for chemistry graduates in the future .
11 The latest developments , which are part of the transition from a state welfare model to that of a mixed economy , are likely to attract a similarly modest level of investment in monitoring and evaluation , and as a consequence we will certainly learn a great deal less from the reforms than might otherwise be the case .
12 There is , however , a considerable networking capability within the group and as a consequence there will be active liaison between the various professional and voluntary bodies .
13 ‘ You may think to deflect the curse , ’ said the sorceress , ‘ and for a while you will do so , for your sorcerers are powerful , and the Enchantment they have woven will endure .
14 Call us and for a cost we will ensure champagne , fruit and flowers are in your room awaiting your arrival .
15 Yeah and after a while you wo n't need to do that .
16 Despite their small size the fry are relatively hardy and grow quite quickly , and after a week they will take brine shrimp without any problem .
17 Decide on an Apex and within a week you 'll be treating it like a good friend .
18 And in a minute we 'll be passing the Tower of London . ’
19 And in a moment she 'll be holding my hand .
20 A Rover-engine Stag may well be a better car than one with Triumph power , but as a hybrid it will never be so valuable .
21 But as a speaker you will be asked to pay only £100 .
22 But as a poet you will appreciate that some experiences are communicable only through symbols — symbols which lose all virtue in any attempt at paraphrase or analysis .
23 He may be shy at first , but after a while he will get over that : he is not half so shy as he was , of course not .
24 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
25 But in a way I 'll be glad when he 's married ; he 'll have someone really of his own then . ’
26 Per Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. The words in section 8(1) ‘ directions for the purpose of determining a specific question which has arisen , or which may arise , ’ refer not to the method of determining that question , but to a direction which will , as a matter of law , determine the issue between the parties ( post , p. 118F ) .
27 A few throwbacks Christian , Muslim , rationalist , racist , even Green still call for a ‘ return ’ to their own values , but without an army they wo n't get it .
28 have the boiler serviced annually , because like a car it will become less efficient at using fuel after prolonged use .
29 Turn left , and after about a mile you 'll reach your starting point .
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