Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or at least we try to .
2 Or at least they seemed to .
3 Or at least they do in my job . ’
4 But here on the Rato river , is more than a Donno he 's a king , or at least he acts like one .
5 Do him justice , he looks after his own , or at least he sees to it no one but himself shall flay them or hang them .
6 We used to do it almost as a social thing , a conventional Spanish gesture which for us had a special meaning — or at least it did for me , because I looked upon it as a seal on our friendship .
7 When you go to cast a vote in France , your ballot paper has two names on it , the name of the candidate for , or at least it has for each party or for each candidate two names .
8 Under ordinary circumstances , Nurse Goodman would probably not have given permission but ‘ the Major ’ , as he had become known , was such a mystery that she was glad to feel that at least somebody knew of his fate and cared enough to come to the hospital to see how he was getting on .
9 I glanced up at Granny 's picture and for once she seemed to be smiling .
10 Early in September 1923 I arrived at Windsor Station with my mother , and from there we drove in a horse-drawn cab past the Castle and across the Thames into Eton .
11 And from there we moved to the the secondary school that is now at Station Road at Gedling , it was a new school , brand new school built , er purpose built .
12 Her cruel circumstances conspired to put her into a remand home at 14 — and from there she went to an adolescent unit , until the age of 17 .
13 Soon she came by the local gymnasium , and then the local Cedok tourist office , and from there she turned into a part which she was growing more familiar with , and in no time found she was back in the colonnade area .
14 In the time office , I worked that till I I were I did about er seven or eight months in there , and from there I went on the screens .
15 This creates the basic outlines and from there I work by eye with a small piping nozzle and several different colours of royal icing .
16 I gave him my sword , and at once he cut off the head of his enemy .
17 Now Bower-bird , for all his small size , was a quick-witted fellow , and at once he thought of a trick to play on Cassowary .
18 They regarded themselves as ‘ coloured ’ or ‘ halfcaste ’ and at least one wished to be white ; they had no sense of racial pride .
19 We went up to the Downs and at least I stayed in the saddle , and felt indeed a new sense of being at home there , of being at ease .
20 But for now she lives over the border in the Dominican Republic .
21 Oh you ca n't have two weeks at once you know but over there you got ta get rid of your holidays before December , you got ta get rid of them otherwise you lose them .
22 The party machines were crooked , but at least they provided for the to-and-fro of political patronage in ways that left the mayor , as chief executive , relatively free to run the city .
23 They 'd never amount to a fortune — not at a penny a hundred points — but at least they paid for a few packets of cigarettes .
24 The trick does not work , but at least it leads to the hiding of Colas in Lise 's bedroom and the awful discovery of the two of them together just as Alain has received the key and goes to claim his bride .
25 " But at least he died for what he believed in ! "
26 It could only get worse for poor Mr Collins as room and meal materialised , but at least he acknowledged of the Cornish in general that they had , ‘ no propensity to jeer at strangers ’ .
27 of for a long time ) and this was a puzzle still to be solved , but at least there seemed to be some evidence that fusion was happening , proving their original hypothesis .
28 Her output was not impressive but at least she succeeded for a couple of hours in driving the memory of Sybil 's murder into the back of her mind .
29 Their basement apartment cost more than she could afford , but at least she felt at home in Chelsea .
30 After about there they get to full speed .
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