Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [pron] [noun] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know that I am dying , ’ he said , ‘ and I am so angry with God for letting it happen , and with my family for refusing to let me work through it . ’
2 Part of the trouble stemmed from a dislike of Sandys ' refusal to heed professional advice , and from his propensity for allowing the senior civil servants in the Ministry of Defence to usurp the powers that properly belonged to the Chiefs of Staff .
3 I WAS extremely disappointed to see the letter by East Yorkshire 's Dennis Duggan in February 's edition , and in your magazine for printing it .
4 A body of men and women ( a ) identifiable by reference to some register or record ; ( b ) recognised as having a special skill and learning in some field of activity in which the public needs protection against incompetence , the standards of skill and learning being prescribed by the profession itself ; ( c ) holding themselves out as being willing to serve the public ; ( d ) volun-tarily submitting themselves to standards of ethical conduct beyond those required of the ordinary citizen by law and ; ( e ) undertaking to accept personal responsibility to those whom they serve for their actions and to their profession for maintaining public confidence .
5 So I 'll just say thank you to the management of the Seraglio for allowing this conference to take place in such pleasant surroundings , and to you ladies for giving up your weekend to be here .
6 Thanks also to all the other organizations that helped , the Vale of White Horse District Council who allowed us to use their land , the National Rivers Authority for the use of the river , Thames Water for the use of their island and for generous sponsorship , an extra special thanks to Roger Steer , the lock keeper , for much help , kindness and understanding and to his wife for providing a seemingly endless supply of ice-cream , to Jim Croft of Slalom Sports for unfailing help and loan of computer hardware and to our local Scouts for looking after the campsite and for organizing effective first-aid cover .
7 At himself for the doubts that ate at him , and at his ancestor for giving him nothing more than a string of empty platitudes .
8 Our current performance is at around the Group average , and I have no doubt not only of our ability to keep this up , but of our potential for doing even better in the longer term on any standard of assessment .
9 It was attracted to the Griffiths proposals because of their potential for promoting private services , but it went against the grain to leave local authorities with so much power , and it was this dilemma which caused the considerable delay in the government 's response to Griffiths .
10 In consequence , the burgeoning nineteenth-century penal and criminal justice system was aimed at these socially ‘ dangerous classes ’ simply because of their potential for contesting the power of the state and those in control .
11 This is a powerful department , partly because of its responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the company but also because it controls the language and format in which the other functions draw up their expenditure plans and report progress against them .
12 Since then , the fundamentalists have been waging a steady war on the government , at one point demanding the resignation of the Education Minister because of his plans for reforming the teaching of Islam in schools .
13 He is not impressed by the Prince because of who he is , but because of the man he is : because of his gift for talking to people , his tenacity and his courage in confronting problems that other men would shy away from .
14 The ROK armed forces were to be developed so as to be capable of handling internal dissent but the issue as to its capacity for reacting effectively to North Korea was side-stepped .
15 And interrogatories may be administered to determine on which of certain prescribed grounds the directors have acted , but not as to their reasons for rejecting on these grounds , and not if the articles provide , as they often do , that they shall not be bound to state their reasons .
16 AI also sought clarifications from the Jordanian authorities as to their reason for expelling Muhammad al-Fasi , and any assurances they may have sought or obtained from the Saudi Arabian Government that his human rights would not be violated .
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