Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They were often used for one or another of the Sheikh families , or for some accident victim who could not get to a specialist hospital in any other way .
2 I think that the C I A , er , would accelerate potential for chaos , I do n't think one needs necessarily to look at 1789 or 1917 too know how great will be the dangers of civil war , possibly starting from entering public boundaries dispute , or of militaristic counter coups which threatens neighbours and rather in a , possible in a way .
3 There has been a steady rise in the number of women returners and ‘ apart from women who do not want to let go of that career , there are all the millions of women faced with the fact that either their income will enormously increase the lifestyle of their family or without that second income they will be very hard pushed to cover the basics .
4 The second chamber could be appointed either by the Prime Minister as under the present system for the appointment of life peers or by various interest groups who would be entitled to nominate representatives .
5 Teaching at night is unlikely to prove popular ( with teacher or pupil ! ) and the night shift in a hospital ward can not be made equivalent to the day shift ( except for intensive care units which are continuously busy ) .
6 ( The main reasons for taking this approach is that for dynamic handwriting recognition it is necessary to select the correct information shortly after the word was written — it may not be possible to wait for the user to finish a sentence or clause . )
7 Luca Argentieri , an Italia '90 spokesman , said last night that for obvious security reasons it was still desirable to send England to an island .
8 This visits period lasted for half a term , although for some subject departments it was completed during four weeks .
9 It is clear from these various documents that amongst non- language teachers who are aware of the importance of linguistic factors , the main focus of interest is not on linguistically- based concepts like language variation , language functions or models of language .
10 A hawfinch has such a powerful bill that with straightforward muscle power it can crack a cherry stone or even an olive pit .
11 With some industry experts predicting that within five years more people will be sending and receiving faxes through their PC than with stand-alone fax machines it is no wonder that software developers are examining ways of cashing in on this increasing market .
12 Although in much television advertising there is n't much to say , it is still important to be able to write .
13 Although in some subject areas there were complaints that proposals from the colleges were too ‘ traditional ’ ( and a belief by some colleges that this was the best way to ensure success with the ‘ traditional ’ members of subject boards ) , there were developments unrelated to specific subjects that were new and — in validation terms — difficult .
14 One relevant finding of Abrams ' research was that in successful neighbourhood care there were often central figures , key individuals , perceived as critical to the scheme .
15 If the geological community , which , despite being very well supplied with bibliographical data on research theses , only makes direct use of one quarter of such works , then it is likely that in other subject areas which are less well supported bibliographically , levels of thesis use will be even lower .
16 I am employing the kind of argument that has been used to resist demands that God prove Himself by miraculous interventions of some form — demands that in Christian tradition Christ himself refused to satisfy when he turned down the Pharisees ' request for a ‘ sign ’ and asked that they have faith instead .
17 Some gynaecologists may consider that there is a risk of missing serious endometrial pathology in such patients , although studies suggest that in this age group it is unlikely .
18 It implies that in some way Wainwright himself was to blame for the outdatedness of some of his copious details .
19 The batteries are generally clip-on ( although on some DIY models they are still integral ) and therefore replaceable , allowing spares to be carried and inter-changeability with other tools by the same manufacturer .
20 For example , it can be conditioned in a hypertonic saline solution so that on absorbing body fluids it increases in size , thus achieving a higher buckle than is possible with a non-swelling implant .
21 It is not impossible that on this sea voyage he was accompanied by Panaetius , who , according to a very fragmentary and dubious passage of the index Stoicorum , apparently travelled by sea with Scipio at about this time ( col. 56 , ed .
22 For those considering a career as either a food and beverage manager or a chef it must be remembered that at Carnival Cruise Lines we are involved in mass catering .
23 Indeed it is quite possible that at this pH range there is a mixture of gastric acid and duodenal alkaline juices which may be damaging ( with toxic synergism ) to the oesophageal mucosa , but this can not be assessed using the parameter of pH .
24 Very little benefit is gained by imposing a condition relating to odour emission if it can not be enforced , and for that reason conditions which refer to the responsibilities of a third party , such as : ‘ all odours must be abated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Health Department ’ , should be avoided .
25 The divergence between the two loading techniques depends on packing density , and for single record buckets it is almost 10 per cent — one record in ten — for an 85 per cent packed file .
26 Yet his criticism has not , by and large , been for the tabloid newspapers whose standards fell to new lows during the 1980s ; instead , he has reserved his bile for investigative journalists , particularly if they worked for television , and for those newspaper reporters who decided to boycott his lobby briefings .
27 The the as Mr er said , the way to solve the access to housing problem , is through the planning er through local plans and through affordable housing policies which are now enshrined in P P G three , and can deal with that problem quite satisfactorily .
28 They were called Bevin Boys and during second world war their front line was the not a battlefield , but a coalface .
29 In Switzerland there are very few real plains , and the term Mittelland ( in which Mittel means something like " betwixt and between " ) is applied to the great areas of pre-alpine hills and of rolling plateau country which over millenia have been settled and cultivated by the ancestors and predecessors of the Swiss , and on which have grown the great historic centres of agricultural civilisation as well as the civilisation of cities .
30 Coleridge 's other drug-induced efforts are sheer doggerel by comparison and like many drug addicts he was famous for frequently taking great liberties with the exact truth — especially where his drug habit was involved .
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