Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These figures can not be tolerated or justified , either in cost terms or in terms of the most efficient use of police resources .
2 It appeared that for exemplars of the generally risky junctions risk ratings were positively correlated with P(A) .
3 For sons , on the other hand , socialization may be more in terms of broader , more stereotypical notions of masculinity such as may be manifested in horseplay at weekends or evenings , rather than in terms of the more specific feature of the father 's role at work , which may often be hidden from the male child .
4 ‘ Although this circumstance continually brings an unwelcome number of new soldiers of fortune into the field and into competition with the already existing individual capitalists , it also reinforces the supremacy of capital itself , expands its base and enables it to recruit ever new forces for itself out of the substratum of society .
5 While it is conceivable that bribes can be used to secure the sale of a better and cheaper product , the more general effect is to shift the balance of business away from the most efficient producer and in favour of the most corrupt producer .
6 The office culture consists of a kind of folklore involving ‘ the selective preservation of the ideas that have proved worthwhile ’ ( Shibutani , 1961:465 ) , in part about ‘ normal ’ cases and in part about the most ‘ difficult ’ problems and the ‘ worst ’ offenders .
7 IBM Corp yesterday stepped up its pitch for OEM business , most strikingly offering an enhanced version of the 9371 microprocssor-based Personal/370 Adapter/A co-processor , so that designers can build 370-compatibility into workstations via a co-processor.The company 's Entry Systems Technology — Personal Systems business unit is also offering some of IBM 's handwriting recognition products to third parties , including technology that recognises both script and block capitals ; and in addition to the currently available PenPoint version , ThinkWrite will be available this year in versions that run under OS/2 and Windows for Pen Computing .
8 The decline in hospital orders and the rise of prison sentences are traceable formally to the practice of modern psychiatrists of recommending fewer hospital orders , and in reality to the more restrictive policy on admission to special hospitals being pursued by the DHSS , and also to the higher proportion of defendants who are declared to have ‘ recovered ’ by the time of the trial .
9 They noted that asylums had a tendency to provide employment on farms and in workshops for the most competent and socially organized patients and there were some remarkably successful asylum farming ventures ; for example , in the early twentieth century Cane Hill Hospital became famous for its herd of pedigree pigs .
10 He obtained his freedom in 1610 , and thereafter built a successful business as printer and publisher , despite being frequently at the centre of political and religious controversy and at odds with the more established members of his company .
11 He ended up in fact with a high-spirited beauty , the Polish princess Clementina Sobieska , who was smuggled out of Austria and across Europe in the most romantic circumstances , although George I ungallantly offered a £10,000 dowry to any other suitable candidate who would marry her first .
12 ( Warner Home Video , 15 , £10.99 ) The Commitments Alan Parker 's tale of north Dublin layabouts forming a soul band , based on the novel by Roddy Doyle , will have you rocking in your seat : not only with mirth at the individual foibles but in time with the beltingly good music .
13 These trends continued and accelerated in the 1970s , and are discussed more fully in the summary at the end of this section , but in advance of the more definitive work allowed by the 1981 Census , a number of local studies began to identify a group of common themes .
14 The label ‘ social science ’ has always been something of a misnomer , because in addition to the obviously collective perspectives of economics , sociology , anthropology and politics , it also includes a concern with the individual , in particular in some branches of psychology .
15 The wholly good object may become a focal point around which the emergent ego can form , while in reaction to the wholly bad object , the infant develops a set of strong persecutory feelings .
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