Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] should be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Enquiries about entrance or curriculum should be addressed to The Faculty Officer , Faculty of Music , Alison House , Nicolson Square , Edinburgh EH8 9DF .
2 To reap the full benefit of the extra quality , the playback VCR or camcorder should be connected to the colour TV set or monitor via a special ‘ S ’ connector which splits the playback signal in such a way as to cause the brightness and colour components to be processed separately .
3 Correspondence concerning redemption or transfer should be addressed to Legal Aid Accounts Department , Land Charge Section 12 Roger St , London WC1N 2JL quoting the full name and address of the assisted person , civil legal aid certificate number , title number or land charge department reference number ( Law Society 's Gazette No 17 , 6 May 1992 ) .
4 Contributions in English , Bengali , Gujurati , or Hindi should be sent to Neil Chippendale , Treaty Library Centre , Hounslow .
5 The dish or pot should be filled to capacity without being so crammed that the fish comes higher than the rim of the pot .
6 This is not a suggestion that a school farm or workshop should be attached to every school for training purposes .
7 It has been suggested that guidance should be given to the profession relating to receipts which are being issued for redemption money on the redemption of feuduties in terms of Section 4 of the Land Tenure Reform ( Scotland ) Act , 1974 , the section which provided for voluntary redemption of feuduties at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas .
8 the limitation on circulation of the report : normally the client 's instructions , the scope of work and the time constraints in which it is performed mean that circulation should be restricted to those to whom the report is addressed and to other named parties to whom the report is relevant .
9 EEB members believe that subsidiarity ( the principle that action should be devolved to the lowest competent level of government ) has always applied to the EC 's environmental policies , which are among the most popular achievements of the Community .
10 How can my hon. Friend argue that compensation should be given to haemophiliacs because , sadly , they suffered a congenital disease and that a sick person who required a blood transfusion was in a different category ?
11 To my mind , it represents a change of use so significant that compensation should be given to those who suffer injury as a result .
12 For he suggests that parliamentary democracy is an egalitarian way of deciding certain policy issues , such as what the criminal laws of a community should be ( Dworkin , 1978a , p. 258 ) , and elsewhere , in respect of a more restricted class of ( moral ) policy issues , he has this to say : ‘ Under certain circumstances that issue should be left to democratic institutions to decide , not because a legislature or parliament will necessarily be correct , but because that is a fair way , in these circumstances , to decide moral issues about which reasonable and fair people disagree ’ ( Dworkin , 1981 , p. 208 ) .
13 He said that question should be addressed to the special commission on Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction .
14 Instead of a tax Cefic has suggested that help should be given to eastern Europe to help reduce energy consumption .
15 Perhaps not surprisingly , the ‘ new ’ criminologists insisted that attention should be redirected to the definers of crime .
16 The first argument has some merit for it is akin to the argument of non-Marxists that education should be related to the needs of the economy .
17 Despite all this , however , both committees took the view that incest should be confined to sexual intercourse on the ground that the case for extending the offence had not been made out .
18 Although the risk reduction is low , we believe that polychemotherapy should be given to patients with non-resectable NSCLC .
19 He was however thoroughly in favour of the right development of machines and suggested that machinery should be introduced to some rural communities to take the place of hand looms .
20 The Americans believed that priority should be given to the restructuring of the European economies in the long term whereas the British were preoccupied with what they argued was a short-term dollar crisis .
21 Evans ( 1989 ) 61 proposes that co-authorship should be restricted to those who have made more than 50% of the contribution to the Ideas , Experimental , or Publication phases of research .
22 Evans ( 1989 ) proposes that co-authorship should be restricted to those who have made more than 50% of the contribution to the Ideas , Experimental , or Publication phases of research .
23 David agreed to relay the feelings of the Programme Group that subsidy should be considered to the group set up by the Open College to negotiate with the denominations and with suitable trusts concerning the setting up of financial support for courses , training , etc .
24 Normanton ( 1971 , p. 325 ) suggests that consideration should be given to the expedient adopted by France , in 1948 , when the Commission des Enterprises Publiques was established .
25 We think that consideration should be given to three changes in the procedures of the High Court .
26 During the pilot phase of the Advanced Courses Development Programme suggestions were received from a number of individuals and organisations that consideration should be given to the introduction of a new type of group award within SCOTVEC 's portfolio of advanced courses .
27 He and I think that consideration should be given to allowing Committees to bring people before them to give evidence on a Bill during its passage through Parliament .
28 The original draft directive proposed that advertising should be limited to the sort of details a business card carries .
29 On 18 January 1956 the Committee 's Joint Declaration rejected the notion that integration should be confined to only six countries .
30 Jeffrey et al have suggested that doxapram should be given to all patients who are acidotic and hypercapnic , although Ahmed et al found a poor outcome in 5 patients treated with doxapram in a controlled study comparing doxapram with NIPPV .
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