Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] will [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps a more interesting development is the likelihood that Pyramid will now recast its image as a supplier only of high-end transaction systems .
2 Do n't be bashful about telling folk how you feel for a loved one 's advice and experience will soon put your mind at rest .
3 Even if you move the ewes and lambs straight into the lambing shed , the damp and cold will still take their toll .
4 Words such as privilege and poverty will either change their meaning or disappear from the vocabulary .
5 I wonder if Lamarckism will ever lose its appeal for laymen .
6 One thing is for sure , commissioning design and print will always have its pitfalls , whether it is a doorhanger , bar bill or sophisticated brochure , but those willing to spend time carefully considering the requirements and choosing a printer will not be long in reaping the rewards .
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