Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] is [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The two claimed they were engaged , since an lranian woman caught talking to a man not related to her by blood or marriage is considered a prostitute .
2 But though this may quell doubts about the benefits of the existence of large-scale enterprise , it does not bear on the point that where competition is attenuated a policy of profit maximisation may not be wealth maximising : society might be better served if companies were to lower price and increase output , even though this would be less profitable from the company 's point of view .
3 For a case in which a plaintiff sustained relatively trivial physical injuries , but a severe mental illness reference can be made to Brice v Brown [ 1984 ] 1 All ER 997 which also illustrates that once causation is established a tortfeasor must take his victim as he finds him .
4 However , if bankruptcy is decided a trustee will be appointed to sell the debtor 's assets and distribute the proceeds among his creditors .
5 The first Diocesan Day will be held at St Catherine 's School Hall , in Penrith , on Saturday , April 17th and the second will be at Canterbury Hall , Preston , on Saturday , May 1st , both from 10am until 4pm ( a creche will be made available if notification is given a week in advance ) .
6 If salmonella is confirmed a flock has to be slaughtered and the laying house cleansed and disinfected .
7 If leave is refused a direction must be made dispensing with service or providing for the documents to be served in some other manner .
8 The relation LECTURER-MODULE gives the module number ( each compulsory unit and option is termed a module ) the name of the lecturer presenting the module and the number of weeks it lasts .
9 We say it 's wrong because football is considered a gentleman 's game . ’
10 Because housing is given a weighting of 17.5 per cent in the retail price index , an increase of this order is likely to add 0.4 and 0.5 points to the inflation rate in November , assuming there are no other pressures on prices that month .
11 Cognac is associated with smooth sophisticates , while armagnac is considered a peasant 's tipple .
12 Of the latest case , she said : ‘ It is bad enough when justice is made a mockery of with light sentences , or when abusers are set free .
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