Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] that [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
2 Whether it was simply mere enjoyment or relief that I 'd survived my worst imaginings I do n't know — but it felt good .
3 Notice also , that there is no evidence or suggestion that they had to wait for th for this baptism , for this infilling of the Holy Spirit .
4 And yet that is one of the youngster 's attractions , that as well as being a very good tennis prospect , she is also a girl who enjoys life and the things other than tennis that it has to offer .
5 In September 1979 the Screamers , a female-dominated community living off the coast of Donegal , became aware of the nature of the prospecting going on in Donegal : IBM had claimed that month that it had encountered ‘ encouraging evidence of uranium ’ in Donegal .
6 They were trading in the village , bartering orange plastic beads and metalware that they 'd bought in India for flour and grain .
7 Finally , I would also thank Professor James Murray , Vice-Principal , and lan Muir , Chairman of the Enterprise Steering Committee for the tremendous support and enthusiasm that they have given to the work of the Enterprise Centre .
8 I mean both in the experience of , that I 've had and research that I 've looked at , there seems to be in terms of positive results , kind of strategy that are being used are strategies that , that both improve learning performance and improve emotional conditions for the child .
9 The four people featured Rachel Webb , Stephanie Anne Lloyd , Mark Rees and Adele Anderson — all clearly have very different feelings towards the physical and emotional pain and prejudice that they have experienced .
10 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
11 After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage , she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times , even with Charles , who was not an easy man .
12 But , subject to the limitations as to purpose and effect that I have mentioned , there is no reason , in my opinion , to place any further limitations on the steps that , under section 61(1) , can be directed to be taken .
13 If we argue , nevertheless , that prestige models can still account for the trend to simplification and uniformity that we have revealed , we have to explain in this case why simplification should carry prestige .
14 I 'll be all sweet penitence and grief that I 've dared set my will against his .
15 They had dressed him in the shoes and suit and overcoat that he had worn when arrested .
16 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
17 Yet I offer to you as much as I possess , and so much as old age has left me , with the utmost satisfaction , as being at least a testimony to the instruction and delight that I have received from your marvellous invention .
18 It was this ruthless clarity and brightness that she had run away from .
19 It is a wonderful feeling to be able to experience the strength , suppleness and stamina that you have built up over the last three weeks .
20 ‘ Think yourselves lucky , ’ Kadan observed as he dumped the bedding and equipment that he had scavenged on their behalf on the grass and began to sort it into piles .
21 Another waiter came up to him then with a bundle of letters and cash that he had left behind in the foyer and forgotten .
22 I congratulate them all on the quiet dignity and courage that they have displayed in recent weeks while vile , vicious and baseless allegations were made by a proven liar .
23 ‘ The look on her face of sheer joy and pride that she had won was one I shall always remember , ’ he said .
24 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reductions in personal taxation have played a major role in the revival of enterprise and the increase in risk taking , productivity and output that we have achieved in the past decade ?
25 To what extent do they appear to preclude you from making use of the skills and knowledge that you have acquired and competing with the people for whom you used to work .
26 Erm I mean the one could very easily have have got er some form of dermatitis with all the you know various oils and stuff that we had to put our hands in .
27 Alright , just make some notes and stuff that you 've got already .
28 For the next hour Fabia was alternately angry that he could take her to such heights only to call a halt when she responded too readily , and despair that he had made such a nonsense of her that she had n't known where the dickens she was .
29 Trent surprised a disconcertingly familiar look in his eyes , a combination of guilt , anger and bitterness that he had learnt to recognise in his own father as the approach of one more milestone in his downward journey .
30 new leaves and blossom that we 've waited for
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