Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] in [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 is not a vehicle to which the Motor Vehicles ( Type Approval ) ( Great Britain ) Regulations 1979 applies but which is being driven from premises of the manufacturer by whom it was made , or of a distributor of vehicles or dealer in vehicles , to premises of a distributor of or dealer in vehicles of the purchasers of the vehicle , or to premises of a person obtaining possession of the vehicle under a hiring agreement or hire-purchase agreement .
2 The ‘ Isle of Brasil ’ was mythical , but fifteenth-century Atlantic charts suggest that belief in lands across the ocean was not uncommon , and there is more than just possibility that the Bristol men had heard of some landfall in them before 1480 , perhaps when ships had been blown off course by abnormal wind conditions .
3 It is even worse than heroin in terms of the dependency and hopelessness it creates .
4 It was to be the successor to the USSR Ministry of Atomic Power Engineering and Industry in matters concerning the Russian Federation , and was to take over its property on Russian territory .
5 ‘ I wrote about groups involved in protest , revolution and revolt in places like the Middle East — the sub-state actors rather than states .
6 They coined the phrase " ecological debt " to describe the relationship between the North and South in terms of the former 's excessive use of global resources .
7 By the end of the day he had not only helped to further that cause ; by showing outstanding courage and skill in arms in the thick of the fighting he had shown how the knight could use situations of war to win personal renown for himself .
8 Are you intending approaching health and safety in clients in the Employee Handbook ?
9 In the case of the monk , too , we have a conflict between satirical anticlericalism and creditworthiness in terms of the fabliau 's comic and pragmatic standards .
10 Pragmatism challenges the dominance in philosophy of the idea of the ‘ mental eye ’ ; of the idea of analysing perception and knowledge in terms of the model of mental seeing .
11 He also caused a stir with his purchase in 1896 and resale in segments of the Trafford Park estate in Manchester .
12 Permission to prospect for oil and gas in blocks of the seabed in UK waters is given to oil companies that bid under an annual licensing round to the Government .
13 Here the pigeons roost and nest in holes in the wall where stones are missing .
14 What he does recall is the years he spent as a violent drunk , his frequent periods in Saughton prison and life in hostels for the single homeless .
15 Feet , each a thin tube ending in a sucker and kept firm by the pressure of water within , wave and curl in rows along the arms .
16 It is easy to forget that most of the energy that the real world consumes is in the million of stoves burning gas , kerosene , wood and coal in homes across the Third World .
17 It follows a series of scandals involving alleged physical abuse , drug taking and prostitution in homes around the country .
18 This mixture of Roman and barbarian in terms of the burial and of the grave goods needs to be seen in the contexts of Childeric 's career as recorded by Gregory , following the annals of Angers .
19 Progression and continuity are particularly at risk during the period of transition between primary and secondary school , not least because poor continuity and progression in terms of the curriculum is often accompanied by even more severe discontinuities in teaching methods .
20 Language itself is even more complex , rooted in culture and context and involving an active negotiation between sender and receiver in terms of the transformation of signs into meaning .
21 Lévi-Strauss had already described the fundamental structure of society and language in terms of the exchange of women , which he saw as the basis of all exchange :
22 Look at the survival curve of the vascular count , percentage of surviving up the Y axis and time in months on the on the X axis .
23 Group effectiveness has to be considered in at least two dimensions — effectiveness in terms of task accomplishment , and effectiveness in terms of the satisfaction of group members .
24 The struggle of working class women against scarce resources and ill health continued throughout the period , while progress in terms of the reform of property laws relating to married women , of the divorce laws , and the change in attitudes towards the expression of female sexuality within marriage primarily benefited middle class women .
25 At a General Meeting of the Group held in Edinburgh on 27th February 1915 , Mr David Semple retired as Chairman in terms of the Group 's Constitution and Mr Stewart Y. Marshall of Edinburgh was unanimously elected Chairman in his place .
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