Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone resident in a house could be held liable for the support of other household members , which meant that a wage-earning son or daughter often moved out of the home in order not to diminish the unemployed parents ' entitlement to benefit .
2 I had the dubious pleasure , after Second Reading , of trying to pilot the House of Lords reform Bill through the House many years ago , when we found that the divisions were on both sides of the House and any idea that one could timetable or guillotine soon went out of the window .
3 For Bob and Tessa 's house Jannie projected all the reconstruction and improvement which she and John had never found either money or energy enough to carry out in their own .
4 In this instance he need only be concerned that income actually paid out to the children during their minorities or unmarried may be taxed upon him under TA 1988 , s663 .
5 It should be damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand , but not so wet that water still runs out through the fingers .
6 In place of a fall from grace which is ultimately to be followed by a return to Paradise , we have the notion that mankind originally evolved out of a sub-human stage of bestiality .
7 It will be deducted from the loss and payment then made up to the policy limit .
8 Drainpipe trousers and fluorescent socks , drape jacket , bootlace tie and hair carefully greased back into a DA style — the Teddy Boy certainly livened up the Fifties .
9 I thought the two rivers both rising on Plynlimmon and then flowing their separate ways like brother and sister then meeting down under the Severn Bridge — I thought that provided a very nice theme for this beautiful border country
10 Norbert Wu is a marine naturalist , author and photographer currently working out of San Diego .
11 There were many of them , and the simple home-made bread , butter , honey and milk scarcely went round despite Amsterdam 's generosity .
12 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
13 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
14 There is a lovely swimming pool and terrace cleverly landscaped in amongst trees .
15 Under the scheme , specially converted dustcarts collect household rubbish , with paper , plastics and aluminium already separated out by householders in plastic crates provided by the local authority .
16 Hopes of renewed love and peace soon went up in smoke .
17 As he strode out into the darkness , the gloom and chill of the evening only served to sharpen his anticipation , so that he had no eyes for the RIC men on patrol , the few pedestrians hurrying along , or the horse and cart just moving off beside him on the road , the barely discernible name JAS SULLIVAN painted on the cart 's side and a burly figure with a flattened nose and scarred face hunched on the driver 's seat , desultorily twitching the reins .
18 Of these 123 , a full interview was obtained with l04 principal carers at the time of the patient 's referral to the project ( six carers refused to be interviewed , and it was not possible to interview a further nine for reasons such as the carer 's ill health or death or because the patient and carer soon moved out of the area ; for the remaining four some information was obtained by telephone ) .
19 Other waste products , such as faeces and urine also break down into ammonia and these levels will build up to where they are harmful to the fish , unless you take steps to lower them via a biological filter .
20 Rapid weight loss may have made you feel good at the time , but depression and frustration soon set in as the pounds or kilos slowly creep back on again .
21 The excitement and food simply welled up inside him and he gave a short gasp and vomited all over the carpet .
22 The turning point in our campaign came in 1987 when the Easthall Residents Association ( ERA ) and our allies worked together on two unique initiatives — the Heatfest Housing Project and ‘ Housing makes you Sick ’ — the largest fully independent survey into housing and health ever carried out in Britain .
23 Robin Engelman , who coped patiently with the percussion part here , had a marginally less exciting time in Bruce Mather 's Gatinara , where easy-going alternations of viola and marimba once took off in a bout of vigorous hocketing , but not for long .
24 Yes , her mum and dad just gone off on a cruise for er , I do n't know
25 CROWDS of starving Muslims , mostly women and children , cheered and wept yesterday as a long-delayed United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally won through to the besieged eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica .
26 Owing to a bizarre mix-up between a Japanese morse operator in the South China Sea , and new early closing times at Whaddon Post Office , when football finally got back to normal in 1946 , Athletico , now fielding eleven internationals , found themselves in the Mid-Counties Combination instead of the higher Mid-Counties South-West League ( Northern Division ) .
27 To like this a lot you probably need to be able to handle silent movies — though dialogue suddenly breaks out in the final scene , powerfully underlining the film 's more serious side .
28 When war again broke out with France in June 1778 it proved difficult to scrape together 21 ships of the line ready for sea , in spite of a nominal strength of 199 first , second or third rates .
29 But , if Graham 's career with Palace as a player was never crowned with great success his later time with us as Manager certainly made up for it .
30 And another thing we know is that when word finally arrives back to Clonahoe or Ballyeen that they can build their road as a relief work , there 'll be no one there fit to supervise it . ’
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