Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Geobacter metallireducens ( formerly , strain GS-15 ) and Shewanella putrefaciens are the only well characterized organisms known to couple the oxidation of fermentation acids and/or hydrogen to the reduction of Fe(III) .
2 Some polymers are used clinically as oligomer- or monomer-based formulations that undergo polymerisation and/or cross-linking under the conditions of temperature and moisture in the mouth .
3 Such a difference in conceptions of gender and gender roles has strong implications for the event of peace or friction in the play of daily life , and can not be too much emphasized .
4 A late election will not be admitted outside the statutory time limit if the delay is due to : oversight or negligence on the part of a partner or his agent ; because one of the parties to the election temporarily refuses to sign it ; or because the delay is deliberate to give the parties the opportunity to determine its effect on their tax liabilities .
5 A late claim will not be accepted where the delay is due to : oversight or negligence on the part of the claimant company or its agent ; failure without good reason to compute the necessary figure ; and a desire to avoid establishing the claim pending clarification of the effects of making a claim on other tax liabilities .
6 In both these cases the alleged negligence was that of the medical staff at a hospital , but , as the decided cases show , it could have arisen from a range of other contexts , for instance from negligent driving of a motor vehicle or negligence on the part of a railway company or tramway company in respect of a train or tram in which the mother of the child was travelling as a passenger while pregnant .
7 He directed that the governors of the College should ‘ apply the interest and proceeds thereof annually for ever in the purchase of a Medal to be given Annually to the author of the best dissertation on the Anatomy , Physiology , or Pathology of the foot of the horse , or the principles and practice of shoeing horses ( to be decided by Examiners , viz. either Veterinary examiners or Veterinary surgeons , to be appointed by the Governors at their annual meeting ) ’ .
8 — an evaluation or assessment of the qualities of a work or writer , based on arguments presented in the essay ;
9 The scheme has been in place since April : however , to coincide with the start of the new academic year , the Inland Revenue has issued a reminder that UK resident trainees may deduct basic rate tax of 25% from fees paid for study , examination , or assessment excluding the cost of books and equipment .
10 Appointment or re-appointment over the age of 65 should be regarded as exceptional and should only be offered if equally suitable younger candidates are not available . ’
11 If he requires information he should approach the chief executive or clerk of the council for it .
12 If this declaration is not made within two months of the day of election and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the council within that two months then the office at the expiration of the two months automatically becomes vacant and the local authority must declare the office vacant and signify the vacancy by notice signed by the proper officer of the authority and affixed to the offices of the authority .
13 With certain specified exceptions , a motion can only be placed before the council by a notice of motion which must be sent to the chief executive or clerk of the council within the time provided for in the standing orders .
14 The compound number 9 is apparent in the circumambulatory ritual , and in esoteric numerology the number 9 signifies completion or unity with the forces of nature .
15 Hundreds have so far viewed the display of books , papers and office equipment used by Child & Co since the formation of the bank in the 16th century .
16 However , other compelling evidence that serum lipids and lipoproteins are causal or primary in the development of atherosclerosis derives from prospective clinical studies in the non-diabetic population and these will be described briefly .
17 Of greater importance is the process of deflation , or removal by the wind of the fine products of weathering .
18 for its test or trial for the benefit of a prospective purchaser , for proceeding at the instance of a prospective purchaser to any place for the purpose of such test or trial , or for returning after such test or trial ;
19 for its test or trial for the benefit of a person interested in promoting publicity in regard to it , for proceeding at the instance of such a person to any place for the purpose of such test or trial , or for returning after such test or trial ;
20 Probation … is a test or trial of the character of a convicted offender under suspension of judgment , in order that the court may determine if the probationer be fit to retain his or her place as a helpful member of society , or being unfit , must be deprived of his or her liberty as a menace to society .
21 When using position lines , have them drawn on your map or chart at the positions at which the checks will be made .
22 Dry deposition rates are measured in terms of velocity of deposition , which is the reciprocal of the resistance of the atmosphere and surface or canopy to the transfer of pollutants .
23 Unless a society is to utilise only a fraction of the intelligence at its disposal it must obviously in one way or another make sufficient provision for vertical mobility to ensure that capacity passes , unimpeded by vulgar irrelevancies of class or income to the type of education fitted to develop it .
24 There was Florey 's original material , which became known as Penicillin-I or Penicillin-F ( for Florey ) ; Penicillin-II or Penicillin-G ( because G came after F ) from the Squibb Laboratories ; Penicillin-III or Penicillin-X from the laboratories at Peoria ; and Penicillin-IV or Penicillin-K from the Abbot Laboratories .
25 input of numbers or text by the user during a program run
26 ‘ an act not warranted by law or an omission to discharge a legal duty , which act or omission obstructs or causes inconvenience or damage to the public in the exercise of rights common to all His Majesty 's subjects .
27 If you claim for loss of or damage to the glass in your cars windscreen or windows , or to the bodywork scratched by the broken glass , you will only have to pay the first £40 of the cost if the replacement is carried out by a General Accident approved windscreen specialist .
28 If you claim for loss of or damage to the glass in your cars windscreen or windows , or to the bodywork scratched by the broken glass , you will only have to pay the first £40 of the cost if the replacement is carried out by a General Accident approved windscreen specialist .
29 If you claim for loss of or damage to the glass in your cars windscreen or windows , or to the bodywork scratched by the broken glass , you will only have to pay the first £40 of the cost if the replacement is carried out by a General Accident approved windscreen specialist .
30 In order that an innkeeper be strictly liable for loss or damage to the property of a guest , the guest must prove :
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